Sunday, October 11, 2020

Isaac (Golden Sun) – DEATH BATTLE! Analysis

Note: This analysis of Isaac will focus on his appearances in the Golden Sun series, including the Dark Dawn V-Jump manga. Abilities shown off in the Super Smash Bros. series will also be included. Also, fun fact, apparently Psynergy is pronounced like the word “synergy” and not like “psychic” and “energy” combined.


The world of Weyard is home to people with psychic powers called Adepts. These powers, named Psynergy, take on the form of the four elements: earth, fire, wind, and water, also known as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury respectively. In fact, these elements are the building blocks of all matter in Weyard, both living and nonliving, all thanks to the force at work for this reality creation called Alchemy, though it was sealed in the ancient past. Vale was only one of the many places where Adepts could be found, though through many years, Adepts became rarer and eventually became a secret to most of the world. One inexperienced Earth Adept named Isaac lived in this village peacefully his entire life. That changed however when at the age of 14, the volcano north of the village called Mount Aleph dropped a giant Boulder that was going to roll through Vale.

While trying to evacuate, Isaac and his childhood friend Garet, a Fire Adept, found Isaac’s parents and another friend named Jenna with her parents trying to save a drowning boy named Felix, who was Jenna’s brother. Due to all of the adults using their Psynergy to save others and stop the Boulder, they were exhausted, and the children’s own Psynergy abilities were too weak to be of much use. Isaac, Garet, and Jenna went to the plaza to get help and made their way back to rescue Felix. However, they were too late. As soon as they were ready to save him, the Boulder crashed down on him, as well as Jenna and Felix’s parents and Isaac’s father. This devastated everyone greatly. As soon as it happened, Isaac and Garet went to go get help, but were unlucky enough to encounter two mysterious Fire Adepts named Saturos and Menardi, who knocked them out to make them forget anything they overheard.

Three years later, Isaac and Garet studied and trained hard to master their Psynergy abilities so that, should another emergency come, they would be able to help. During one exploration up Mount Aleph with Jenna and a wise old scholar studying Alchemy named Kraden, they went through Sol Sanctum and solved its puzzles. The result of solving the puzzles led them to discovering a room that contained the Elemental Stars, four gems that each contain the purified essence of one of the four elements. However, they were also followed by Saturos and Menardi, along with a masked young man, who held Jenna and Kraden hostage. The two were after the Elemental Stars, and were in fact the reason the Mount Aleph Boulder incident three years before occured, as they set off a trap in the mountain. Saturos and Menardi would keep their hostages safe if given the gems. To prove they weren’t lying, they had their masked companion reveal themselves, who just so happened to be Felix, who survived the Boulder incident and was taken in by the duo. Another man named Alex, a Water Adept, appeared too, showing there was no way out of their proposition of giving them the Elemental Stars for Jenna and Kraden’s safety.

With Felix there to show Saturos and Menardi weren’t lying, Isaac and Garet gave the Elemental Stars to them. Or at least, they would have, as before they could give the Mars Star to them, Mount Aleph began to erupt due to all the Elemental Stars being removed from their resting places. This was when the Wise One, the Guardian of Vale, appeared and halted the eruption for a bit. With no other choice, Saturos, Menardi, Felix, and Alex escaped before the place blew up, kidnapping Jenna and Kraden in the process. The Wise One explained to the boys that Alchemy was sealed because of humanity’s greed for its omnipotent power. Not wanting its power to be abused, the ancients sealed it away with the power of four Elemental Lighthouses. So long as all the lighthouses remain unlit, Alchemy will continue to be sealed. The Wise One then told Isaac and Garet that the four lighthouses should stay unlit. Not protecting them would mean Saturos and Menardi would obtain Alchemy’s power at Weyard’s expense. The Elemental Stars were the keys to igniting each of their respective lighthouses, and the power of their activation would create the Stone of Sages, an artifact that dominates everything and can even transmute matter into gold or thwart death itself.

After hearing the Wise One’s warning, Isaac and Garet returned to their village, which was safe from Mount Aleph’s eruption thanks to the Wise One. Taking responsibility for the fate of the world, they set out on a journey to save it by making sure the Elemental Lighthouses never become lit and recovering the three other Elemental Stars. The adventure would be rough, as Mount Aleph’s eruption also spread Psynergy Stones across the world, which hit both normal people and other living things that became monsters, giving all of them Psynergy. Along the way, they met friends in the form of the Wind Adept Ivan and the Water Adept Mia who were invaluable, but when the time came to stop Mercury Lighthouse and Venus Lighthouse from having their Elemental Beacons lit, they failed. On the bright side, they successfully killed Saturos and Menardi, but this was all misleading for them.

As it turned out, Saturos and Menardi weren’t trying to restore Alchemy for ultimate power. It was actually to save Weyard. Alchemy was the life force of Weyard, so while it was sealed to make sure no one could abuse its power, this also came with the effect of draining Weyard of its energy, causing it to crumble bit by bit before eventually being destroyed. Saturos and Menardi were from Prox, a village in the northernmost part of Weyard. Being so close to the edge of the world, it was only a matter of time before their village would be destroyed. That was their reasoning for what they did, but the Wise One, a godly being whose main role is to protect the seal on Alchemy, set it up so that Isaac and his friends would be stopping the ones who would actually be saving the world from calamity. Despite the world eroding, the Wise One thought mankind’s greed for Alchemy’s power would destroy Weyard anyway.

Luckily, an eventual run-in with Felix after Jupiter Lighthouse became lit led Isaac’s party to learning the truth, so they joined his party on their goal to light the last Elemental Beacon on Mars Lighthouse. This didn’t come without complications though, as the world was now also at an imbalance with the elements, as three of the lighthouses were lit while the last one wasn’t. At the top of Mars Lighthouse right before being able to save Weyard, the Wise One had one last trial in the form of a battle against the Doom Dragon. After its death, it was revealed the Wise One actually combined Jenna and Felix’s parents and Isaac’s father to create the Doom Dragon, meaning they killed their parents, who had also survived what happened in Vale three years before. This was to see if they had the willpower to finish their quest knowing what they did, and they did, lighting the last lighthouse and stopping the world from dying off by restoring Alchemy. Fortunately for them, the Mars Psynergy from Mars Lighthouse’s ignition revitalized all the parents who made up the Doom Dragon, allowing them to be saved.

The power from all four Elemental Lighthouses formed on top of Mount Aleph, the greatest source of Alchemy, where it formed a blast of energy known as the Golden Sun. Alex, being one who only cares for power, waited on top of Mount Aleph to obtain all this power. While he obtained some of it, the Wise One then appeared and explained he was not omnipotent and that Isaac, Felix, and the rest of their friends who saved the world also obtained some of the power of the Golden Sun. This was because all the way back when the Elemental Stars were first taken off their pedestals and Isaac and Garet only had the Mars Star, the Wise One imbued the Mars Star to give them some of the power of the Golden Sun when it was formed. Humiliated, Alex attacked the Wise One, but was easily defeated.

Isaac would eventually marry Jenna and even have a child named Matthew. 30 years after saving the world, Isaac had become a seasoned warrior who’d be studying the aftereffects of the Golden Sun event, and while there were still conflicts in the world, with earthquakes, tornadoes, and continental shifts, it was in a much better position than it would have been without Alchemy. The world would call him and the rest of the world’s saviors the Warriors of Vale.

More Info

  • Age: 17 (TLA), 47 (DD)

  • Earth Adept

  • Husband to Jenna and father to Matthew

  • Member of the Warriors of Vale

  • Grew up to be a pretty smug guy

  • Passed down his scarf to his son

  • Is a bit of a ladies man

  • Actually lives on a flat world


Sol Blade

A powerful long sword that only Earth Adept warriors like Isaac can wield. It increases his Attack by 200, and he can use it for attacking with basic sword strikes or defending against enemy attacks. Like any other weapon, he can land critical hits at random with it, but specific ones like this one also grant him the ability to perform an Unleash. An Unleash is a special attack that randomly occurs when attacking an enemy with a weapon that has one. Every time Isaac attempts to attack with the Sol Blade, he has a 35% chance of performing a Venus-based attack called Megiddo instead, which calls down a giant destructive ball of plasma that he launches at an enemy, dealing damage equivalent to triple the amount of his Attack. The chances of an Unleash happening can be increased by certain armor pieces that have that as an effect.


Equipment that Isaac wears to boost his Defense. Some armor pieces also boost his other stats and provide other beneficial effects. The following is a list of all the armor Isaac wears:

  • Valkyrie Mail: Raises Isaac’s Defense by 53. It also increases the likelihood of Unleash attacks happening by 20%.

  • Gloria Helm: Raises Isaac’s Defense by 49. It also heals him by 10 HP passively whenever he performs an action.

  • Riot Gloves: Raises Isaac’s Attack by 15 and Defense by 45. It also increases the likelihood of Unleash attacks happening by 20%.

  • Cosmos Shield: Raises Isaac’s Defense by 49. It also increases his Resistance to all types of elemental attacks by 20.

  • Golden Shirt: Raises Isaac’s Defense by 12 and maximum HP by 10.

  • Golden Boots: Raises Isaac’s Defense by 15 and Agility by 30.

  • Golden Ring: When used manually, it increases Isaac’s Resistance to all types of elemental attacks by 20. It can be used multiple times to increase those Resistances even higher, but every time it’s used, it has a chance of breaking.


A Djinni is a small nature spirit made of pure Psynergy. They all resided in Mount Aleph before it erupted, which caused them to scatter across Weyard, with Isaac and his friends finding and befriending them during their journey. In battle, they provide him with decent stat boosts when he sets them on himself, including increasing his Elemental Power for and Resistance to the element the Djinn is related to by 5 each for each one set. He can have up to nine Djinn at a time, which stacks all of their stat buffs at once. There are also four types of Djinn that correspond with the four elements. When Isaac mixes and matches which types are set, as well as how many of each type are on him, he changes into different classes that give him access to different stats and Psynergy abilities.

Each Djinni also has a power that Isaac can unleash. When this happens, the Djinni goes into a standby mode. While in standby, the stat buffs that they give go away, and they stop contributing to class changes, but they give Isaac access to powerful spirit summons that can turn the tide of battle, and he can use any standby Djinn throughout the entire party. However, doing so puts them in a recovery state, meaning he still can’t gain their stat boosts or change classes, as well as being unable to use them to summon again right away. They automatically go back to being set on him one at a time when they’re done recovering, which happens when he either performs an action in battle or walks a certain distance.

Also, Isaac can manually put Djinn on standby or set them on himself if they’re currently on standby, so he has full control on whether he wants to gain the stat buffs they provide and change classes, summon right away, or have a mixture of both. Lastly, Djinn are capable of talking, flying, controlling their respective elements without Psynergies, creating physical mirages to hide themselves, and fighting on their own, and when all of them are together, they open up the entrance to Anemos Inner Sanctum. The following is a list of all the Djinn Isaac can set and unleash:

Utility Psynergy Items

Equipment that grants Isaac new Psynergies that he otherwise wouldn’t know. These Psynergy abilities usually aren’t meant for combat, though some can be used both in and out of battle. However, he can’t equip all of them at once. The following is a list of all the utility Psynergy items Isaac can equip:

Class-Changing Items

Equipment that changes Isaac’s class series to new ones that can’t be reached using only Djinn. He can’t hold more than one at a time. The following is a list of all the class-changing items Isaac can equip:

Consumable Items

Isaac has various one-time use items that are helpful in and out of battle. Unless the item comes in limited quantities, he can carry up to 30 of each. The following is a list of all the consumable items Isaac can use:

Misc. Weapons & Armor

Besides the Sol Blade, Isaac has wielded many types of long swords, but he is also skilled with axes, light blades, and maces. While the Sol Blade is his most powerful weapon, some of these weapons have their own Unleashes. With these Unleashes, Isaac can launch a blizzard at an enemy while also having a chance of decreasing their Attack by 25%, summon a titanic blade that falls from the sky and stabs an enemy before exploding as it digs deeper into them, raise a giant blade from the ground that pierces an enemy while restoring his PP equal to 10% of the damage dealt, send out a flood of water while also having a chance of inflicting the enemy with seal, erupt a blast of hellfire from the ground that engulfs an enemy while also having a chance of inflicting them with sleep, attack an enemy and release a poison cloud on impact while also having a chance of inflict them with poison, lift several stones from the ground before launching them at an enemy while also having a chance of decreasing their Agility down to 50%, strike an enemy and creating an explosion while also having a chance of restoring his HP equal to the damage dealt, chop an enemy and create an incredibly massive explosion while also having a chance of inflicting them with stun, slash an enemy and summon the Grim Reaper to attack with him while also having a chance of inflicting them with instant death, rend an enemy and create a small tornado on top of them while also having a chance of decreasing their Resistance to all types of elemental attacks by 40, descend many beams of light from the sky at an enemy while also having a chance of inflicting them with delusion, fire out multiple large fireballs at an enemy while also having a chance of decreasing their Defense by 25%, bash an enemy and release a poisonous liquid on impact while also having a chance of inflicting them with venom, drop blood on the ground that form a pool and transform into spirits that rise and attack an enemy while also having a chance of inflicting them with haunt, smash an enemy and drop a giant metal sphere on them as he strikes while also having a chance of ignoring 50% of their Defense, and more. Finally, as a unique piece of equipment, there’s the Trident of Ankohl. When equipped, it increases Isaac’s Resistance towards Mercury-based attacks by 20, and when used, it releases a Jupiter-based attack that hits an enemy with the thrown electrically charged trident before creating a large explosion of electricity strong enough to destroy forcefields.

Similarly, Isaac has many other types of armor that, while not the best he could be wearing, do provide other effects. This equipment includes body armor, helms, gloves, shields, shirts, boots, and rings. Most rings possess a chance of breaking after being used, as well as certain types of weapons and armor that have similar effects of needing to be used. Though, it should be mentioned that only the ability to use them for bonus effects breaks, so they can still be used for attacking or defending even after being broken. Lastly, certain weapons and armor are cursed. This makes it so that when Isaac equips one, he’s unable to take it off without requesting a Great Healer to get it off for him. He’ll also sometimes be unable to move during battle at random, though a ring called the Cleric’s Ring removes that risk so long as he wears it.

Golden Sun

An immense amount of elemental energy that was emitted from the four Elemental Lighthouses and combined over Mount Aleph when they were lit, restoring Alchemy to the world. This was known as the Golden Sun event. The Elemental Stars that activated the Elemental Lighthouses to create this are described as the source of all Alchemy, and the Golden Sun itself is called pure Alchemy made real. Before it was released however, the Wise One imbued the Mars Star so that some of this power would be given to Isaac and his friends. The energy from the Golden Sun grants him longer life with very slowed aging and increases the potency of his Psynergy. Also, it should be mentioned that the Golden Sun would’ve created the Stone of Sages, but due to its power being split between Isaac, his friends, and Alex, it never was. This split also means they all don’t possess the omnipotent power of Alchemy nor the abilities of the Sword of Sages, such as transmuting matter and immortality.

Powers & Abilities


Psynergy, also called Ki in certain regions of Weyard, is a form of magic Adepts use to conjure and manipulate the elements of Alchemy with their minds, being earth, fire, wind, and water. These elements are also known as Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury respectively. Alchemy is the foundation of all Psynergy, and it is fueled by the spiritual power of one’s own mind. It possesses fewer limits compared to using the body’s energy, but people can only become Adepts after being exposed to and imbued by Psynergy found within Psynergy Stones. However, certain elements are in conflict with one another as a part of balance, meaning a single person can’t master all of them. Isaac is an Earth Adept, so he is a master at using Venus Psynergy. This doesn’t mean he can’t use other elements though, as equipping Djinn of non-Venus elements can combine the elements and allow him to learn Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury Psynergies, as well as learn different Venus Psynergies that he wouldn’t know normally.

Besides specific Psynergies that he can use, Isaac can use telekinesis, sense others using psychic powers, create a barrier that can protect him from psychic abilities, feel how powerful others are, see outlines of people who turned invisible through the use of psychic powers even in darkness, detect things hiding in mirages, and transfer his Psynergy to another Adept. Additionally, Psynergy isn’t just used through concentration, as it can be activated subconsciously if an Adept’s life is in danger. As an Earth Adept, Isaac can also feel what’s happening in areas with lots of earth and plant life even from miles away and locate people in said areas, the latter of which is done by feeling life forces. People without psychic powers are unable to see or detect Psynergy abilities that are made of pure psychic energy or affect them mentally. However, they are able to see any Psynergies that utilize the elements.

While Isaac can’t use every Psynergy, even with Djinn, he can feel or use the effect of one he doesn’t know if he shares Psynergy with someone who knows it, usually by clasping hands with them. For combat, many Psynergies can hit at a wide range. Psynergy that attack multiple enemies deal less damage to secondary ones, and enemies closer to the main target will take more damage than ones further from them. Also, Psynergy costs Psynergy Points to use, or PP for short, so if he runs out, he can no longer use it. Though, Isaac naturally regenerates PP over time just by walking around. When inside the Elemental Lighthouse of his element, being Venus Lighthouse, Isaac, like any other Adept who’s in their respective lighthouse, is supplied with a limitless amount of Psynergy to use so that he never runs out. Finally, each element is symbiotic and in conflict with another element, while neutral with the remaining one. The following is a list of all the Psynergies Isaac can use:


Classes determine what stats and Psynergies Isaac has and can be changed depending on how many and what type of Djinn he has set on him. When Djinn are on standby or need to recover, they’re not counted towards changing his class. Each class has higher levels that have greater stats and more powerful Psynergy abilities if more of certain types of Djinn are on Isaac, though some higher leveled ones can’t be reached due to his status as an Earth Adept. The same applies to him being unable to go into every class series.

Being an Earth Adept matters in other ways too, as other types of Adepts who try to enter a class that’s the same as Isaac’s may require a different amount of the same types of Djinn. Some classes require items to be equipped and don’t need Djinn, but Isaac can reach higher levels of those classes with them. Lastly, while not directly related to classes themselves, Isaac is more resistant to Venus-based attacks like earth and plants due to being an Earth Adept, though he is also more prone to Mars-based attacks like fire and lava compared to other elements. These resistances and weaknesses do increase depending on what Djinn he has equipped, as well as with specific armor, unleashed Djinn, and Psynergies. The following is a list of all the class series Isaac can go into:

  • Squire: Has high HP, Attack, and Agility with average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus Psynergies. Its highest level is called Slayer, which requires 8 to 9 Venus Djinn.

  • Brute: Has high HP, Attack, and Agility with low Luck and lets Isaac use Venus and Mars Psynergies. Its highest level is called Chaos Lord, which requires 2 Venus Djinn and 7 Mars Djinn.

  • Apprentice: Has high HP, PP, and Agility with below average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus and Jupiter Psynergies. Its highest level is called War Adept (Venus), which requires 2 Venus Djinn and 7 Jupiter Djinn.

  • Crusader: Has high HP, Attack, and Defense with above average luck and let’s Isaac use Venus and Mercury Psynergies. Its highest level is called Protector, which requires 2 Venus Djinn and 7 Mercury Djinn.

  • Seer (Jupiter): Has high HP, PP, and Agility with average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus and Jupiter Psynergies. Its highest level is called Druid (Jupiter), which requires 1 Venus Djinn and 7 Jupiter Djinn.

  • Seer (Mercury): Has high HP, PP, and Agility with average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus and Mercury Psynergies. Its highest level is called Druid (Mercury), which requires 1 Venus Djinn and 7 Mercury Djinn.

  • Ninja: Has high HP, Attack, and Agility with low Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Mars, and Jupiter Psynergies. Its highest level is called Master, which requires 4 Mars Djinn and 5 Jupiter Djinn.

  • Samurai: Has high HP, Attack, Defense, and Agility with below average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Mars, and Jupiter Psynergies. Its highest level is called Ronin, which requires 5 Mars Djinn and 4 Jupiter Djinn.

  • Medium: Has high PP and Agility with below average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury Psynergies. He can’t go any higher than Medium, which requires 3 and 6 Jupiter Djinn and Mercury Djinn with either amount working for both types.

  • Dragoon: Has high HP, Attack, and Defense with above average Agility and Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Mars, and Mercury Psynergies. Its highest level is called Paladin, which requires 4 Mars Djinn and 5 Mercury Djinn.

  • Pierrot: Has high HP and Agility with above average PP and Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury Psynergies. To enter this class series, he needs to equip the Mysterious Card. Its highest level is called Acrobat, which requires 3 Mars Djinn, 3 Jupiter Djinn, and 3 Mercury Djinn.

  • Tamer: Has high HP, Attack, and Defense with low Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, and non-elemental Psynergies. To enter this class series, he needs to equip the Trainer’s Whip. Its highest level is called Beast Lord, which requires 3 Mars Djinn, 3 Jupiter Djinn, and 3 Mercury Djinn.

  • Dark Mage: Has high HP, PP, and Agility with below average Luck and lets Isaac use Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury Psynergies. To enter this class series, he needs to equip the Tomegathericon. Its highest level is called Necromage, which requires 3 Mars Djinn, 3 Jupiter Djinn, and 3 Mercury Djinn.


After getting a certain amount of Djinn on standby, Isaac can summon powerful spirits to aid him in battle. The number needed counts between allies, so if any of his allies use Djinn and put them on standby, Isaac can use those Djinn to help summon. Some summons only require one type of Djinni while others need two. Those that use two types of Djinn also have secondary effects. All summons deal additional damage equal to a certain percent of each enemy’s HP and boost the power of Isaac’s elemental attacks based on what types of Djinn are used to call upon it, with how much it raises being determined by the amount of that type needed. This includes elemental attacks from weapon Unleashes, Psynergies, unleashed Djinn, and any summons used afterward.

They also attack all enemies, though secondary targets will take less damage than the main one. Enemies closer to the main target will take more damage than ones further from them. When a summon is called upon, the Djinn used for it go into a recovery state for a bit, automatically setting back onto Isaac one at a time whenever he performs an action in battle or walks a certain distance. The following is a list of all the summons Isaac can call upon:


Strength & Attack Potency




Training & Experience


Despite being a psychic, Isaac is still susceptible to mental attacks. Also, while Djinn are very beneficial in boosting his stats, changing his class, and giving him various Psynergies and summons, unleashing them and using those summons put them in states that make them unset from Isaac. Using them for summons even forces Isaac to wait until they’re ready again. Being on standby or recovery like this means Isaac loses all of the mentioned benefits of having them set to him. Djinn can also be drained into standby or their recovery state. Lastly for Djinn, he can only carry up to nine at a time, so he doesn’t have access to all of them at once, nor can he utilize all the Psynergies he is capable of using since he’s unable to go into every class. Known Psynergies in general are limited to a class series, so when he enters a different one, he cuts off access to certain Psynergies and summons to gain access to new ones. Being limited in Djinn also means that Isaac’s unable to summon Charon nor Iris on his own, as they require 10 and 13 Djinn on standby in total respectively. In general, this means Djinn need to be managed carefully.

Isaac also has a limited amount of Psynergy Points that he can use for Psynergies, so if he runs out of PP, he’s unable to cast them. If he is completely drained of his Psynergy, not just what he uses for his abilities, he is left incredibly vulnerable. Meanwhile, Psynergy Vortexes are a phenomenon that suck the Psynergy away from the land and Adepts, and while rare, are a notable way for him to completely run out of Psynergy. Psynergy can be drained in other ways too. When it comes to elements, without any Mars Djinn set, Isaac is more prone to Mars-based attacks like fire and lava compared to other elements. If fighting in Jupiter Lighthouse, he should be weakened similarly to how Fire Adept Saturos was when fighting in Mercury Lighthouse, which is due to their elements being in conflict with one another. Finally, the care for his friends can distract him greatly in the middle of battle.



  • Weapons and armor all have many useful effects, whether that's Unleashes, increasing stats, weakening certain types of attacks, giving and making him immune to certain status effects, etc.

  • Can restore HP in various ways, such as with certain armor, Djinn, consumable items, Psynergies, or summons

  • Can restore Psynergy Points in various ways, such as with weapon Unleashes, Djinn, Psy Crystals, or Psy Drain Psynergy

  • Can cause instant death in a variety of ways, such as with weapon Unleashes, Djinn, Psynergies, or the summon Charon

  • Djinn have many useful effects, whether that’s increasing stats, changing classes that grant different Psynergies, delivering powerful attacks, creating defensive barriers, giving certain status effects, letting him summon powerful spirits, etc.

  • The Golden Sun grants him longer life with slowed aging and much stronger Psynergy abilities

  • Psynergy can be used to manipulate a variety of elements, such as earth, plants, fire, wind, electricity, water, or ice

  • Psynergy has a variety of long and short-range attacks, as well as other useful abilities like telekinesis, creating shields capable of preventing transmutation, detecting things hiding in mirages, being able to feel areas miles away and others’ life forces, stopping things in time, teleportation, etc.

  • Can summon creatures to help through Djinn or Psynergies

  • Summons called upon by standby Djinn have destructive power and boost his Elemental Power, with a lot of them also possessing other beneficial effects

  • Can see and hurt ghosts

  • Is greatly capable of deducing weaknesses


  • Is still susceptible to mental attacks despite being a psychic

  • Djinn stop increasing stats and affecting class changes when on standby or recovering

  • Djinn and Psynergy can be drained or removed

  • Only nine Djinn can be carried at a time, and this limits his Psynergies and summons, even being unable to summon Charon nor Iris by himself

  • Is unable to use Psynergy if he runs out of Psynergy Points, and is even left vulnerable if he is completely drained of it

  • Is more prone to Mars-based attacks like fire and lava compared to other elements without any Mars Djinn set

  • Jupiter Lighthouse weakens him due to Venus being in conflict with Jupiter

  • The care for his friends can distract him greatly in the middle of battle

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