Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Captain Falcon (F-Zero) – DEATH BATTLE! Analysis


The ace pilot known for his racing skills and signature punches is a man of mystery. All that is known about him is that he lives off the coast of a place called Port Town and that he goes by Captain Falcon. Born into a futuristic world where the hottest and newest sport is a form of high-speed racing with anti-gravity vehicles, Falcon is a frequent contender in these F-Zero Grand Prix events. However, as one would guess, these races often put pilots who participate in danger, and was even the topic of controversy. However, this constant risk of death also brought excitement to the general public, so they became accustomed to it. With his reliable Blue Falcon, Captain Falcon has become famous for his many F-Zero victories

The supersonic slugger is also an accomplished bounty hunter, making him a very popular person in general, not just for racing. Though this also made him a threat to many villains, including the king of evil Black Shadow. Falcon is always there to ruin any evildoers nefarious schemes, even if it involves fighting off an evil clone of himself or racing against gods. But when he’s not saving the universe, he’s always practicing his racing skills at the chain of islands he lives on for future F-Zero events. No matter the occasion, Captain Falcon is always ready to show people his moves.

More Info
  • Age: 37
  • Known Falcons: Douglas Jay Falcon, Andy Summer, Rick Wheeler
  • Aliases: Bart Lemming, Berserker
  • Pilots the Blue Falcon
  • Expert bounty hunter
  • Smashing extraordinaire
  • Buys his own merchandise
  • Batman if he was a racer


Racing Gear
Captain Falcon is decked out in clothes befitting of an F-Zero racer, but it has other uses besides style. Not only is his helmet useful for protecting his head from attacks, but he can also use it to receive information from the Falcon Flyer and a small device on his wrist to send coordinates to the Falcon Flyer’s computer on where its destination will be.

Laser Gun
A laser pistol that Captain Falcon has holstered on his hip. Obviously, it shoots lasers.

Grappling Hook

A timed explosive that Captain Falcon can throw before it detonates.

Ultimate Champion’s Belt
A belt made from the fusion of two Champion’s Belts. It’s said that one belt contains the power of light and the other contains the power of darkness, which are the two great forces that make up the universe. When worn, it would then allow one to seize this universal power, and Captain Falcon is the current owner of it. In actuality, the belt contains three ethereal beings known as the Creator, who created the world. This also means that the forces of light and darkness don’t exist. Once Falcon beat them in a race though, they disappeared, leaving the belt uninhabited. Whether or not he becomes more powerful when wearing it remains to be seen.

As a racer, Captain Falcon knows how to pilot machines that move at extreme speeds. He has a few machines that he’s well-known for, even if they aren’t specifically made for combat. The following is a list of all the vehicles Captain Falcon has piloted:

Reactor Might
When the universe began, six powerful reactors were formed. These Reactor Mights can maximize the energy output in machines, and the more that are together, the stronger they are. In fact, one on its own can create enough energy to destroy a planet. Captain Falcon has one of these, which is a major component in his F-Zero machine’s engine, allowing it to perform much better than what it would normally. It also grows stronger the more it’s used and lets Falcon perform a useful technique for both racing and combat called Boost Fire.

By deactivating his F-Zero machine’s safety control system and boosting while it’s already boosting, he can drastically increase his vehicle’s speed while veiling it in powerful energy. If he performs a spin while under Boost Fire, he can turn his vehicle into essentially a buzzsaw, using the sharpened energy to attack opponents by colliding into them or deflect attacks. F-Zero machines can even fly, tear through space or create vortexes to make gateways to other dimensions, or release disrupting waves that manipulate the environment and give memories to people while under these effects, and the energy given off from this can seal things up or counteract or overload the energy in other machinery. However, Falcon can only use Boost Fire once due to only possessing one Reactor Might and it putting a burden on his machine. While Reactor Mights have shown other abilities, Falcon’s is a component in his machine’s engine, and the different abilities Reactor Mights have used only occur when they aren’t part of a machine.

Powers & Abilities

Falcon Punch

Raptor Boost

Falcon Dive
Captain Falcon leaps into the air with his first engulfed in flames. While mostly used to reach higher places, he can grab his opponent if they get too close and launch them away with a fiery explosion at point-blank range. The recoil of this will also make Falcon go up even higher. He can also jump higher and deliver a strong punch instead of grabbing his opponent at the cost of it being weaker and not going as far horizontally with the Falcon Strike or jump slower and not as high so that he can create a bigger and more powerful explosion after he grabs his opponent with the Explosive Falcon Dive.

Falcon Kick
Captain Falcon bursts forward with his foot aflame, mowing through any opponents who are in the way, though he will slow down for each one he hits. If he collides with a wall, he will bounce into the air, and when performed in the air, Falcon will instead kick downward to strike from above. He can also perform a multi-hitting kick that drags opponents along until the final hit at the cost of not going as far and dealing less damage with the Falcon Kick Fury or imbue his kick with electricity to electrocute opponents with a weak hit and go through them while going much further with the Lightning Falcon Kick. The latter when used in the air also creates a small spark when he hits the ground that stuns his opponent, leaving them open for a follow-up attack.

Knee Smash
A powerful kneeing attack that’s imbued with electricity if Captain Falcon perfectly times it against his opponent. However, if he mistimes it, it loses its electrical properties and becomes much weaker.

Besides his well-known fire attacks, Captain Falcon can manipulate fire in general to imbue his physical strikes to make them more powerful and able to set opponents on fire. That or he can radiate a fiery aura around himself to flex on them.





Training & Experience


While Captain Falcon himself doesn’t have many notable weaknesses, besides maybe being a little overconfident in his own racing abilities, his F-Zero machine does. Boosting requires energy, and doing it a lot will lower its supply more and more, making it more vulnerable to being destroyed. Also, while in hotter environments, boosting more will cause the coolant in his machine to be less effective, which puts more of a strain on its engine. And while his machine is usually reliable, it can suddenly break down at the worst of times. Lastly, Boost Fire can only be performed once due to Falcon only having one Reactor Might and it putting a burden on his machine, meaning he has to make its use count.


  • Racing gear gives him access to his vehicles quite easily
  • Grappling hook helps him recover from falls and have better movement
  • His F-Zero machine, alongside its Reactor Might, has many useful functions and can drive on its own when he calls on it
  • The Falcon Flyer keeps his F-Zero machine safe until he needs it
  • Can set opponents on fire or electrocute and stun them in various ways
  • Has many attacks that also can be used for movement
  • Can power through attacks with Raptor Boost

  • Might be a little overconfident in his racing abilities
  • Boosting with his F-Zero machine requires its energy supply to be used
  • If his F-Zero machine’s energy supply runs low, it’s more vulnerable to being destroyed
  • Hotter environments put a strain on his F-Zero machine’s engine due to the coolant in it being less effective
  • His F-Zero machine can suddenly break down at the worst of times
  • Boost Fire can only be performed once due to him only having one Reactor Might
  • Is essentially a Super Smash Bros. character because F-Zero isn’t getting a new game anytime soon

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