Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Magnolia Arch (Bravely Default) – DEATH BATTLE! Analysis


Fort-Lune is a civilization built on the Moon, which most people in the land of Luxendarc wouldn’t believe. One day, the base was ravaged by Diamante, a monstrous being called a Ba’al. Not even the experienced Ba’al Busters, who were able to kill many other types of Ba’als, were able to protect their home from it, including a young girl.

A year after this travesty, the girl traveled to Luxendarc to seek vengeance on Diamante. However, she ended up crash landing and got knocked out, but was saved by one Yew Geneolgia, who gave her a magnolia flower with the power to wake people up. After gaining consciousness, she was flattered by this gesture, and introduced herself as Magnolia Arch. She explained the situation to Yew and his friend Edea Lee, revealing that Diamante was on the Skyhold, a flying fortress and hideout to Kaiser Oblivion.

Conveniently, this destination was where Yew and Edea were headed in order to stop the kaiser and save their friend Agnès Oblige. Seeing as both their missions would bring them to the Skyhold, Magnolia joined them and proved to be a useful ally. Along the way, she saved Tiz Arrior and got him out of a coma he was in. With that, Magnolia continued her journey in the party of four to get revenge on Diamante, rescue Agnès, and stop Kaiser Oblivion to save the world.

More Info
  • Real Name: Unknown
  • Code Name: No.10345: Arch
  • From Fort-Lune, a base located on the Moon
  • Right-handed
  • Speaks space French
  • Part of Agnès’s Ba’al-Busting Avengers
  • Was accidentally proposed to by Yew twice


Moon Glaive
A glaive that is Magnolia’s main weapon for battle. It’s a symbol of her status as an elite Ba’al Buster, and is made of a unique Moon material not found on Luxendarc. It is so sharp that it is said that it can cut through any material with ease. As a spear, attacks from it deal 50% more damage to insect enemies and 25% more damage when attacking multiple enemies. It boosts her P.Atk by 17.

Lamellar Armor
Torso armor made by from small iron scales that were attached to each other. It’s tough, but it can easily fall apart if hit in the right spots. It boosts her P.Def by 8 and M.Def by 2.

Asterisks are small stones created by Sage Yulana that give the bearer the job class contained within them. Each job is proficient in certain stats and at using a specific type of weapon or armor class, and they have their own unique command and support abilities that are learned from leveling that job up.

Once a support ability is unlocked from a certain job, it can be equipped even when her job class isn’t the one she got it from. However, Magnolia can only equip so many at a time, and can only manage them while out of battle. She has up to five slots for support abilities, but some of them can take up two or even three slots. Also, whatever job she’s currently in has a specialty support ability that is always equipped without wasting slots. The support abilities from this can be unlocked as she levels the job up, so she can also equip them as other jobs if she uses up slots. The following is a list of all the jobs Magnolia can become using asterisks, as well as each job’s support abilities:

  • Freelancer: The default job class Magnolia has when she doesn’t use any asterisks. It has average stats all around and has above average proficiency with every weapon and armor. Its job command is called Miscellany and its specialty support ability is Stand Ground.
    • Divining Rod: Displays how many unopened chests there are in a dungeon on the map. Takes up one slot.
    • Dungeon Master: Avoids traps and hostile terrain in dungeons that cause damage or status effects, which affects the entire party. Takes up one slot.
    • Stand Ground: Gives a 75% chance to hang on with 1 HP after taking an attack that would normally result in a K.O. However, this doesn’t work when Magnolia is already at 1 HP. Takes up three slots.
    • P.Def 20% Up: Raises P.Def by 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Waste Not: Grants a 50% chance of using items in battle without actually consuming them. Takes up one slot.
    • JP Up: Multiplies the number of job points earned after a battle by a fifth. Takes up one slot.
    • Late Bloomer: Increases maximum HP, maximum MP, P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 1% for each job that’s completely mastered. Takes up two slots.
  • Wizard: Obtained after defeating Bella. It has really high Intelligence, which affects M.Atk, with high MP, but has very poor Strength, which affects P.Atk, and Vitality, which affects P.Def. It is most proficient in using rods. Its job command is called Spirit Magic and its specialty support ability is Spellcraft.
    • Damage Dispersion: Disperses 15% of damage to each ally when hit by a single-target attack and makes Magnolia take the rest herself. Takes up one slot.
    • Spellcraft: Lets magic attacks be crafted into different forms if more MP and 1 BP is spent. Takes up two slots.
      • Dart: Turns spells into dart projectiles that have high priority, making Magnolia likely to move first in battle. It also makes some status-enhancing spells have their duration extended. Costs 5 MP.
      • Needle: Turns spells into needles that skewer all enemies from beneath that are under the same name. It also makes some status-enhancing spells have their duration extended. Costs 10 MP.
      • Hammer: Turns spells into a hammer that smashes enemies and aiming for their P.Def instead of M.Def. It also makes some status-enhancing spells have their duration extended. Costs 10 MP.
      • Mist: Turns spells into a mist that damages enemies over time. Costs 30 MP.
      • Blast: Turns spells into a blast that hits all enemies. Costs 15 MP.
      • Wall: Turns spells into a wall that protects Magnolia or an ally. If she or her ally gets hit by a physical attack, the wall counterattacks to deal damage. Costs 5 MP.
      • Rain: Turns spells into rain that randomly attacks enemies four times. It also makes some status-enhancing spells have their duration extended. Costs 40 MP.
      • Arrow: Turns spells into arrows that Magnolia can manually target enemies with. The less enemies she targets, the stronger the spell’s potency is. Costs 20 MP.
      • Nova: Turns spells into a massive explosion that affects both enemies and the entire party. Costs 50 MP.
    • Absorb M.Damage: Recovers HP equal to 25% of the damage taken from a magic attack. Takes up one slot.
    • Full Charge: Doubles the power of offensive magic when MP is full. Takes up one slot.
    • Ventriloquism: Makes Spellcraft abilities also affect any magic cast by allies. Takes up three slots.
  • Charioteer: Obtained after defeating Cú Chulainn. Its has high Strength with above average HP, Dexterity, which affects accuracy and the chances of starting a battle with extra BP, and Vitality, which affects P.Def, but has poor MP and Mind, which affects M.Def and how much is healed using when magic. It is highly proficient in using shields, helms, and armor. It also has average proficiency with every weapon type. Its job command is called Warfare and its specialty support ability is Born Warrior.
    • P.Attack 20% Up: Raises P.Atk by 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Triple Wield: Allows weapons to be equipped to the head in addition to both hands so that three weapons can be wielded at once. Takes up one slot.
    • Born Warrior: Increases the proficiency of a weapon type by one every time it’s used in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Quad Wield: Allows weapons to be equipped to the head and body in addition to both hands so that four weapons can be wielded at once. Takes up two slots.
    • Achilles’ Heel: Makes attacks that target an enemy’s family’s weakness always deal critical damage. Takes up two slots.
  • Fencer: Obtained after defeating Janne Angard. It has above average HP, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, and Agility, which affects evasion, with average MP, Intelligence, and Mind. It is most proficient in using swords and daggers. Its job command is called Swordplay and its specialty support ability is Muscle Memory.
    • Stampede: Gives a 75% chance of counterattacking against single-target physical attacks when in aurochs stance. Takes up one slot.
    • Muscle Memory: Keeps the effects of a stance for a long while even after assuming another stance. Takes up one slot.
    • Eye of the Wolf: Starts off in wolf stance automatically at the start of battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Sword Lore: Raises sword proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
  • Bishop: Obtained after defeating Nikolai Nikolanikov. It has high MP and Mind with above average Intelligence, but has low Vitality. It is most proficient in using staves. Its job command is called Holy Magic and Its specialty support ability is Good Measure.
    • M.Def 20% Up: Raises M.Def by 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Good Measure: Spells cast in succession against the target will vastly increase in potency. Takes up two slots.
    • Staff Lore: Raises staff proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Brevity: Grants a 50% chance of any single spell being cast having the effect of the same spell cast twice. Takes up three slots.
  • Astrologian: Obtained after defeating Norzen Horoskoff. It has high MP with above average Intelligence and Mind, but has low Agility. It is most proficient in using rods, but is also pretty good at using staves. Its job command is called Astral Magic and its specialty support ability is Prescience.
    • Precognition: Prevents enemies from gaining a first strike and getting extra BP at the start of a battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Prescience: Makes spells and abilities that augment status or grant supportive properties have higher priority so that they go first. Takes up two slots.
    • Prolong Support: Doubles the duration of stat-raising effects on the entire party. Takes up one slot.
    • Limit Breaker: Raises the maximum values for stat-boosting effects received for the entire party. Takes up one slot.
  • Catmancer: Obtained after defeating Minette Napkatti. It has above average MP, Strength, Intelligence, and Agility, but has low Dexterity. It is most proficient in using axes and knuckles, but is also pretty good at using shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Catmancy and its specialty support ability is Learning.
    • Attack Item Amp: Amplifies the power of attack items by half. Takes up one slot.
    • Learning: Gives the ability to learn and use certain enemy attacks. Takes up one slot.
    • Whisker Sense: Increases the entire party's chances of getting a first strike or getting extra BP at the start of a battle by 5%. Takes up one slot.
    • HP 20% Up: Raises maximum HP by 20%. Takes up one slot.
  • Thief: Obtained after defeating the Jackal. It has really high Dexterity and Agility, but has really low Intelligence and Mind. It is most proficient in using daggers, but is also pretty good at using bows. Its job command is called Thievery and its specialty support ability is Rob Blind.
    • Speed 20% Up: Raises speed by 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Dagger Lore: Raises dagger proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Big Bad Burglar: Raises P.Atk by 25% when stealing an item from an enemy or recovering HP/MP with Steal Breath or Steal Mind. Takes up one slot.
    • Rob Blind: Steals two items instead of the usual one. Takes up two slots.
  • Red Mage: Obtained after defeating Fiore DeRosa. It has above average HP, MP, Intelligence, Mind, and Agility with average Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality. It is highly proficient in using swords, rods, and staves. Its job command is called B/W Magic and its specialty support ability is Revenge.
    • Turn Tables: Raises BP by 1 when an attack is evaded. Takes up one slot.
    • BP Recovery: Raises BP by 1 when sustaining a status effect. Takes up one slot.
    • Revenge: Gives a 25% chance of gaining 1 BP every time an attack is taken. Takes up two slots.
    • Revival: Gives a 75% chance of gaining 2 BP when HP falls below 20%. However, this doesn’t trigger when it falls below when using abilities that cost HP to use. Takes up one slot.
    • MP Free in a Pinch: Reduces the cost of MP to 0 when HP falls below 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • In the Red: Raises the damage dealt from magic when BP is negative. The lower it is, the more powerful the spell is. Takes up one slot.
    • Chainspell: Makes spells cast trigger twice. Takes up three slots.
  • Summoner: Obtained after defeating Mephilia Venus. It has really high MP with also high Intelligence, but has really low Strength. It is highly proficient in using rods. Its job command is called Summoning and its specialty support ability is Convert MP.
    • Summon Substitute: Invokes a random summoning spell without using any MP when a K.O. is suffered. Takes up one slot.
    • MP 20% Up: Raises maximum MP by 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Convert MP: Restores MP equal to 5% of any damage taken. Takes up one slot.
    • Summon in Pinch: Invokes a random summoning spell without using any MP when HP falls critically low. Takes up one slot.
    • Summoning Amp: Increases the MP cost and damage dealt by summoning spells by a quarter. Takes up two slots.
    • Summoning Surge: Multiplies the damage dealt from summoning spells by a tenth each time one is used. Takes up two slots.
  • Swordmaster: Obtained after defeating Nobutsuna Kamiizumi. It has above average HP, Strength, Dexterity, and Vitality with average MP and Agility, but has low Intelligence and Mind. It is highly proficient in using katanas, but is also pretty good at using shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Bushido and its specialty support ability is Counter.
    • Katana Lore: Raises katana proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Multitask: Gives a 33% chance of following up with an additional attack when attacking regularly. Takes up one slot.
    • Counter: Gives a 60% of counterattacking when taking damage from a single-targeting physical attack. Takes up two slots.
    • Counter Amp: Amplifies the damage dealt by counters by half. Takes up one slot.
    • Redoubled Effort: Raises the damage dealt from physical attacks when BP is high. The higher it is, the more powerful physical attacks are. Takes up one slot.
  • Hawkeye: Obtained after defeating Aimee Matchlock. It has high Dexterity, but only has average MP, Intelligence, Mind, and Agility. It is highly proficient in using firearms, but is also pretty good at using axes, shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Shamanism and its specialty support ability is Eagle Eye.
    • Barrage: Raises the amount of damage done each time an attack is given in quick succession. Takes up one slot.
    • Eagle Eye: Raises accuracy by 100%. Takes up two slots.
    • Rifle Lore: Raises rifle proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Crossfire: Gives a 25% of following up with an attack when an ally inflicts damage on an enemy. Takes up one slot.
  • Patissier: Obtained after defeating Angelo OVO Panettone. It has high Dexterity with above average MP, Intelligence, Mind, and Agility, but only has average HP and Vitality. It is highly proficient in using daggers. Its job command is called Confectionary and its specialty support ability is Prolong Enfeeble.
    • Status Ailment Amp: Amplifies the chances of status effects being inflicted by 25%. Takes up one slot.
    • Glacé: Doubles the effects of items that heal HP and MP. Takes up one slot.
    • Prolong Enfeeble: Doubles the amount of time status afflictions remain on enemies. Takes up one slot.
    • Items for All: Makes all consumable items and Bon Appétit abilities affect the entire party or all enemies, though some items won’t be affected. Takes up one slot.
    • Critical Hitter: Gives a 25% chance of scoring critical hits with spells and attack items, dealing double damage or doubling recovery effects. Takes up one slot.
  • Merchant: Obtained after defeating Erutus Profiteur. It has above average Intelligence with average HP, MP, Strength, Dexterity, Mind, and Agility, but has low Vitality. It is highly proficient in using spears, staves, and daggers. Its job command is called Commerce and its specialty support ability is More Money.
    • White Knight: Makes the ally with the most take the damage from a single-targeting physical attack instead when maximum HP is below 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • More Money: Multiplies the amount of pg earned after battle by half. Takes up two slots.
    • Insurance: Gives pg equal to half the damage taken from an attack. Takes up two slots.
  • White Mage: Obtained after defeating Holly Whyte. It has high MP and Mind with above average Intelligence, but has low Vitality. It is highly proficient in using staves. Its job command is called White Magic and its specialty support ability is Angelic Ward.
    • Angelic Ward: Gives a 50% chance to lower damage taken from an attack by half. Takes up one slot.
    • Silence Immunity: Grants immunity to silence, which prevents magic attacks from being used, in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Group-Cast Master: Makes group-casting spells on the entire party or all enemies not lose potency. Takes up two slots.
    • Circle of Life: Revives all K.O.’d allies and fully restores their HP when upon being K.O.’d. Takes up two slots.
  • Ranger: Obtained after defeating Artemia Venus. It has high Dexterity, but has low Intelligence and Mind. It is highly proficient in using daggers and bows, but is also pretty good at using shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Hunting and its specialty support ability is Precision.
    • Precision: Increases the damage of regular attacks depending on the count of hits, with more hits resulting in more damage. Takes up two slots.
    • Bow Lore: Raises bow proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Savage Beast: Gives an 80% chance while berserk, which boosts P.Atk by 150% at the cost of uncontrollably attacking random enemies with normal attacks, of unleashing certain command abilities without paying the typical cost, though they are random and costs 1 BP. Takes up one slot.
  • Black Mage: Obtained after defeating Ominas Crowe. It has high MP and Intelligence with average Mind, but has really low Strength and Vitality. It is highly proficient in using rods. Its job command is called Black Magic and its specialty support ability is Black Resonance.
    • Rod Lore: Raises rod proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Black Resonance: Increases the power of black magic when other allies also have Black Resonance equipped. Takes up one slot.
    • Pierce M.Def: Makes magic attacks ignore M.Def when dealing damage. Takes up three slots.
    • Group-Cast All: Enables group-casting for magic typically unable to be group-cast, but it doesn’t apply to magic that is cast on oneself. Takes up two slots.
  • Ninja: Obtained after defeating Konoe Kikyo. It has really high Agility with high Dexterity, but has low Vitality. It is highly proficient in using daggers. Its job command is called Ninjutsu and its specialty support ability is Dual Wield.
    • Confuse Immunity: Grants immunity to confusion, which causes oneself to perform uncontrollable actions to enemies or allies, in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Transience: Makes it so when an attack is evaded, a counterattack is performed. Takes up one slot.
    • Dual Wield: Negates the 50% penalty to weapons' P.Atk that typically applies when equipping weapons in both hands. Takes up two slots.
    • Comeback Kid: Raises P.Atk and M.Atk by 25% each time an attack is evaded. Takes up one slot.
    • Frenetic Fighting: Raises the maximum hit count for a regular attack from 16 to 32. Takes up one slot.
  • Knight: Obtained after defeating Argent Heinkel. It has really high Dexterity with above average HP, Strength, and Mind, but has low MP, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Agility. It is highly proficient in using swords, greatswords, and shields, but is also pretty good at using axes, spears, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Chivalry and its specialty support ability is Protect Ally.
    • Two-Handed: Doubles a weapon’s P.Atk when using it in one hand and no weapon or shield in the other. Takes up one slot.
    • Protect Ally: Protects an ally by using oneself as a shield if their maximum HP is below 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Shield Lore: Raises shield proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Dual Shield: Allows two shields to be equipped at once. Takes up one slot.
    • Chivalrous Spirit: Raises P.Def by 25% each time Protect Ally, Full Cover, White Knight or Iron Wall is used. Takes up one slot.
  • Exorcist: Obtained after defeating Geist Grace. It has high MP and Mind with above average Intelligence, but has low Strength. It is highly proficient in using swords.. Its job command is called Exorcism and its specialty support ability is Undo Trois.
    • Steady MP Recover: Recovers 30 MP every time the entire party and all enemies are finished performing actions. Takes up one slot.
    • Undo Trois: Triples the amount of time of all Undo abilities’ effects. Takes up one slot.
    • Ectoplasm: Makes oneself enter a ghost state, which prevents the use of normal attacks and abilities, only allowing the use of magic, Brave, Default, and summoning friends with the pendant fragment, while also being considered K.O.’d., instead of being K.O.’d when HP reaches 0. Takes up one slot.
    • Glossolalia: Allows oneself to use spells learned by other friends. Takes up one slot.
    • Auto Undo: Returns HP and MP to their previous values every time the entire party and all enemies are finished performing actions. Takes up three slots.
  • Monk: Obtained after defeating Barras Lehr. It has high HP and Strength with above average Vitality and Agility, but has low Intelligence. It is highly proficient in using staves and knuckles. Its job command is called Martial Arts and its specialty support ability is Knuckle Lore.
    • Paralyze Immunity: Grants immunity to paralysis, which prevents any actions and stops BP from increasing, in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Knuckle Lore: Raises knuckle proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Natural Talent: Raises P.Atk by 100% when no weapons or armor are equipped. Takes up two slots.
  • Valkyrie: Obtained after defeating Einheria Venus. It has above average HP, Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, and Agility, but has low Intelligence and Mind. It is highly proficient in using spears, but is also pretty good at using shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Acrobatics and its specialty support ability is Soul Mates.
    • Spear Lore: Raises spear proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Soul Mates: Raises P.Atk and M.Atk by 25% each time an ally is K.O.’d. Takes up one slot.
    • Pierce Default: Makes all attacks pierce Default so that damage isn’t reduced. Takes up one slot.
    • BP Skill Amp: Increases the BP cost of abilities by 1 to increase their damage by half. Takes up one slot.
    • Quickening: Makes the attacks from jump-related abilities come out faster. Takes up one slot.
  • Performer: Obtained after defeating Praline á la Mode. It has above average Intelligence and Agility, but has low Strength and Vitality. It is highly proficient in using rods, staves, and daggers, but is also pretty good at using swords. Its job command is called Singing and its specialty support ability is Power Up.
    • Encore: Gives a 25% chance of following up any singing ability used with another singing ability chosen at random. Takes up one slot.
    • Power Up: Raises P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 5% every time the entire party and all enemies are done performing actions. Takes up two slots.
  • Pirate: Obtained after defeating Hayreddin Barbarossa. It has really high Strength, but has really low Intelligence, Dexterity, and Mind. It is highly proficient in using axes, but is also pretty good at using swords, greatswords, and shields. Its job command is called Piracy and its specialty support ability is Adrenaline Rush.
    • Adrenaline Rush: Raises P.Atk and P.Def by 50% when maximum HP falls below 20%. Takes up one slot.
    • Axe Lore: Raises axe proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Bully: Increases damage that’s dealt by 10% for each status effect on the enemy. Takes up one slot.
  • Dark Knight: Obtained after defeating Alternis Dim. It has high Strength with above average HP, Intelligence, and Agility, but has really low Vitality. It is highly proficient in using swords, katanas, and helms, but is also pretty good at using spears, greatswords, shields, and armor. Its job command is called Dark Arts and its specialty support ability is Adversity.
    • Blind Immunity: Grants immunity to blindness, which reduces accuracy, in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Adversity: Raises P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 10% each time accumulated damage equals at least 25% of maximum HP. Takes up one slot.
    • Blaze of Glory: Hits all enemies for four times as much as a regular attack when K.O.’d. Takes up one slot.
  • Time Mage: Obtained after defeating Eloch Quentis Khamer VIII. It has high MP and Intelligence with above average Mind, but has really low Strength and Vitality. It is highly proficient in using staves, but is also pretty good at using rods. Its job command is called Time Magic and its specialty support ability is Time Slip.
    • Stop Immunity: Grants immunity to stop, which prevents any actions and stops BP from increasing, in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • Slow Parry: Gives a 60% chance to lower an enemy’s speed by 50% when taking a single-target physical attack from them. Takes up one slot.
    • Time Slip: Starts the battle over if the entire party is wiped out, but it only works once. Everything except SP is returned to what it originally was when the battle began. Takes up one slot.
    • M.Atk 20% Up: Raises M.Atk by 20%. Takes up one slot.
  • Guardian: Obtained after defeating Revenant Grace. It has really high HP, Vitality, and Mind, but has really low MP, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Agility. It is highly proficient in using spears, shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is Soul Mastery and its specialty support ability is Guardian Spirit.
    • Soul Boost: Starts off the battle with soul power already at 50%. Takes up one slot.
    • Guardian Spirit: Allows the use of soul power, which is used for certain abilities. Takes up one slot.
    • Armor Lore: Raises armor proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Twin Souls: Lets oneself gain access to both people’s abilities when possessing or being possessed by another. Takes up one slot.
  • Kaiser: Obtained after defeating Kaiser Oblivion. It has high Strength and Intelligence with above average HP, MP, Dexterity, Vitality, Mind, and Agility. It is highly proficient in using swords and greatswords, but is also pretty good at using shields, helms, and armor. Its job command is called Supremacy and its specialty support ability is Cerberus.
    • Centurion: Converts certain multi-target attacks into single-target attacks that deal double damage. Takes up one slot.
    • Citadel: Lowers BP by 1 to the entire party and all enemies every few times they all perform actions. This takes effect even when K.O.’d. Takes up one slot.
    • Cerberus: Reverts HP, MP, and status to what they were before the battle after a battle has ended. Takes up two slots.
    • Dawn of Odyssey: Increases BP by 1 to the entire party and all enemies after they all have performed many actions. This takes effect even when K.O.’d. Takes up one slot.
  • Templar: Obtained after defeating Braev Lee. It has high Vitality with above average HP, Strength, and Mind, but has really low Intelligence. It is highly proficient in using swords, greatswords, and armor, but is also pretty good at using spears, shields, and helms. Its job command is called Holy Arts and its specialty support ability is BP Limit Up.
    • Charm Immunity: Grants immunity to charm, which forcibly makes others ally with the enemy, in battle. Takes up one slot.
    • BP Limit Up: Raises the BP limit by 1, allowing up to 4 BP. Takes up one slot.
    • Greatsword Lore: Raises greatsword proficiency to its highest. Takes up one slot.
    • Fortitude: Gives 1 BP each time an attack is taken while Defaulting. Takes up one slot.
    • Default Guard: Improves damage reduction from Defaulting from 50% to 75%. Takes up one slot.
    • Weapon Guard: Reduces damage from non-magic attacks by 25% if a physical attack with a weapon is performed at around the same time. Takes up one slot.
  • Yōkai: Obtained after defeating Yōko. It has high MP, Intelligence, and Mind with above average HP, Strength, Dexterity, and Agility, but only has average Vitality. It is highly proficient in using katanas, but is also pretty good at using rods. Its job command is called Diabolism and its specialty support ability is Echo.
    • Awakening: Raises the maximum attainable job level by 1. Takes up one slot.
    • Echo: Gives a 25% chance of casting the same spell a second time with no MP or BP cost. Takes up two slots.
    • Obliterate: Causes instant death at the start of a battle to enemies that are extremely weak in comparison. Takes up one slot.

SP Hourglass
An ancient Moon relic that collects Sleep Points, or SP. Whenever Magnolia or anyone near the hourglass sleeps, it will gain more and more SP, gaining 1 SP every eight hours of sleep. It can hold up to 3 SP. SP is energy produced by the flow of time, giving Magnolia the ability to stop time through the use of Bravely Second. The more SP that is in the hourglass, the more times she can stop time to perform an action. Actions that involve using BP will reduce SP instead. She can also activate it when it’s her enemy’s turn to attack and she has negative BP, though this won’t change her BP once it’s over. However, doing so when SP is already low will cause it to go negative, which makes it take longer before it gets back to at least 1 SP. The hourglass can also be used to travel back in time, revive others, or link the wills of people from across time and space.

Pendant Fragment
A piece of Agnès’s pendant after it was shattered by Kaiser Oblivion. Gives Magnolia the ability to summon friends from other worlds to perform an action to help her, though only once. It can also be used to see and communicate with people who have other fragments of the pendant.

Magnolia Flower
A flower worn in Magnolia’s hair that she received from Yew when they first met. The fragrance from it can make a person who is asleep or knocked out conscious again.

Communication Bracelet
A bracelet Magnolia wears on her wrist that lets her communicate with her boss, Vice President Appleberry, who resides on the Moon.

Extra one-time use equipment that Magnolia can hold multiple of. These can affect either the party or enemies, and they are separated into two categories. The following is a list of all the items Magnolia can use:

  • Recovery Items: Items that affect oneself or allies in a variety of ways.
    • Potion: Restores 150 HP. Deals the same amount as damage to undead enemies.
    • Hi-Potion: Restores 500 HP. Deals the same amount as damage to undead enemies.
    • X-Potion: Restores 1,500 HP. Deals the same amount as damage to undead enemies.
    • Phoenix Down: Revives others who are K.O.’d, giving them 200 HP. Has a 70% chance to instantly kill undead enemies.
    • Ether: Restores 40 MP. Reduces the same amount of MP to undead enemies.
    • Turbo Ether: Restores 150 MP. Reduces the same amount of MP to undead enemies.
    • Elixir: Restores all HP and MP. Instantly kills undead enemies.
    • Megalixir: Restores all HP and MP to every ally. Instantly kills all undead enemies.
    • Antidote: Cures poison, which causes 10% damage each turn.
    • Eye Drops: Cures blindness.
    • Echo Herbs: Cures silence.
    • Wakeup Bell: Cures sleep, which prevents any actions and stops BP from increasing, but goes away when hit by an attack.
    • Balsam: Cures dread, which blocks the use of Brave and Default, returns BP to 0 if it’s 1 or higher, and prevents the effects of moves that raise BP.
    • Magic Bottle: Cures ghost.
    • Remedy: Cures poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm.
    • Teleport Stone: Teleports to the beginning of a dungeon or can be used to flee from battle 100% of the time.
    • Magnifying Glass: Displays enemy information, including HP, elemental weaknesses, and family.
  • Attack Items: Items that affect enemies in a variety of ways.
    • Bomb Fragment: Deals moderate fire damage to all enemies.
    • Bomb Arm: Deals major fire damage to all enemies.
    • Antarctic Wind: Deals moderate water damage to all enemies.
    • Arctic Wind: Deals major water damage to all enemies.
    • Zeus’s Wrath: Deals moderate lightning damage to all enemies.
    • Pantheon’s Wrath: Deals major lightning damage to all enemies.
    • Tengu Yawn: Deals moderate wind damage to all enemies.
    • Tengu Sneeze: Deals major wind damage to all enemies.
    • Earth Drum: Deals moderate earth damage to all enemies.
    • Earth Mallet: Deals major earth damage to all enemies.
    • Gold Hourglass: Gives all enemies the stop effect.
    • Stardust: Summons comets to randomly rain down on enemies.
    • Light Curtain: Summons a barrier that reflects magic attacks.
    • Lilith’s Kiss: Absorbs MP from the enemy.
    • Bacchus’s Wine: Inflicts the berserk status effect on an enemy.
    • Spider’s Web: Lowers the enemy’s speed by 25%.
    • Stopwatch: Raises the hit count of oneself or an ally by 25%.
    • Catch Me Conch: Raises the chances of being targeted by enemies.
    • Enopu Mushroom: Gives the reraise effect, which automatically revives oneself or an ally if they get K.O.’d.

Misc. Weapons & Armor
While Magnolia is typically equipped with her Moon Glaive and Lamellar Armor in battle, she also has a variety of different weapon and armor types. She can switch between any of her equipment at any time, even in the heat of battle. Besides certain weapons and armor simply being superior to others, some specific ones from each type have unique qualities to them that might make them more favorable in certain situations. Besides that though, weapons do have more things to them than armor by a long shot.

Each weapon type is strong against a specific type of family and may have other specific qualities to them. Specific weapons may have unique effects that differentiate them from the rest of their types. Stronger weapons of each type require higher proficiency, so only specific jobs can fully utilize specific weapon types unless a weapon lore support ability is equipped.

Magnolia can hold up to two weapons at once under normal conditions, though this will decrease the damage dealt by both of them by 50%. Some weapons can be held in only one hand, but some require two hands, which won’t decrease the damage, but won’t allow other weapons or shields from being equipped.

Each weapon also has a set of four different special moves that Magnolia can use after triggering specific conditions, which involve performing a certain action multiple times, with four different levels each. She can manually change what type of conditions she has to meet, and if the higher levels of a triggering condition are met, she gains the ability to use higher leveled special moves. However, using a special move resets the amount of times she has to perform a triggering condition, no matter what level.

The triggering conditions that Magnolia can change, as well as how many times she has to use them for each level, are as follows: Braving (10, 15, 20, and 25 times), Defaulting (5, 10, 15, and 20 times), performing actions that recover HP (10, 15, 20, and 25 times), using magic (10, 15, 20, and 25 times), defeating enemies with physical attacks (5, 10, 15, and 20 times), dealing physical damage on an enemy (15, 20, 25, and 30 times), landing critical hits (5, 10, 15, and 20 times), using items (5, 10, 15, and 20 times), exploiting an enemy’s weakness (5, 10, 15, and 20 times), taking damage from enemies (10, 20, 30, and 40 times), and being victorious in battle (10, 20, 30, and 40 times).

When Magnolia uses a special move, her theme begins to play. The entire party receives a buff during it that lasts until the song ends. Other special moves that happen interrupt the song, but the buffs from them stack, and the previous buffs remain until the new song is over. This includes Magnolia using a special move to interrupt her own theme, simply restarting it instead of it continuing. Lastly, friends summoned by Angès’s pendant fragment can also increase the duration of the effects if they perform a special move. The following is a list of all the miscellaneous weapon and armor types Magnolia can equip, as well as each weapon’s special moves in order of their level:

  • Swords: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to demon enemies.
    • Hack and Slash: An offensive special move. Magnolia lowers an enemy’s P.Def by 25% before stabbing them twice and slashing across them. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 20%.
    • Sword Dance: A support special move. Magnolia performs a dance that raises the entire party’s P.Atk, speed, and hit counts by 25%. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Def is raised by 35%.
    • Sonic Wave: An offensive special move. Magnolia charges up before firing off a sharp wind-based projectile at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 50%.
    • Bolt Storm: An offensive special move. Magnolia imbues her sword with lightning before slashing at an enemy multiple times. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s critical hit rates are raised by 400%.
  • Axes: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to plant enemies.
    • Grand Strike: An offensive special move. Magnolia jumps in the air before slamming her axe down to attack all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Def is raised by 20%.
    • Maelstrom: An offensive special move. Magnolia spins around to cut up an enemy before slamming her axe down on them. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 35%.
    • Gigaton Swing: An offensive special move. Magnolia jumps in the air and charges up before spinning forward and slamming her axe down on an enemy for an earth-based attack. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Def is raised by 50%.
    • Tyrant’s Lore: An offensive special move. Magnolia charges up and slams her axe down three times before slamming it down one last time so hard that rocks fly up from the ground, hitting all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 50%.
  • Spears: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to insect enemies and 25% more damage when attacking multiple enemies.
    • Horizon: An offensive special move. Magnolia chucks her spear straight forward at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s critical hit rates are raised by 200%.
    • Overpower: An offensive special move. Magnolia delivers a flurry of blows that paralyzes the enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 35%.
    • Megiddo Flame: An offensive special move. Magnolia jumps and charges up before throwing her spear at the ground beneath all enemies, which engulfs them in a fiery explosion. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 50%.
    • Grazioso: An offensive special move. Magnolia slashes at an enemy multiple times before rushing forward and slashing upwards, erupting energy from the ground. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 50%.
  • Rods: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to insect enemies. These types of weapons include maces.
    • Piercing Bolt: An offensive special move. Magnolia charges up before firing off a beam that’s unaffected by P.Def at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s critical hit rates are raised by 200%.
    • Withering Wave: An enfeebling special move. Magnolia surrounds enemies in a wave that lowers their P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 15%. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 35%.
    • Tempest Fang: An offensive special move. Magnolia creates several razor sharp discs made up wind and launches them at all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 40%.
    • Holy Weapon: An offensive special move. Magnolia makes the tip of her rod longer and sharper before cutting down all enemies. It does more damage against demon enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 50%.
  • Staves: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to undead enemies and 25% more damage when attacking multiple enemies.
    • Rejuvenation: A recovery special move. Magnolia bathes the entire party in light, restoring their HP. For the duration of the song, the potency of the entire party’s healing magic is raised by 100%.
    • Acid Rain: An offensive special move. Magnolia lowers an enemy’s P.Def by 25% before launching lightning into the air to create clouds that rain acid on all enemies for a water-based attack. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 25%.
    • Lux: A support special move. Magnolia creates magic circles around the entire party that raise their P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 25%. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s speed is raised by 35%.
    • Divine Light: An offensive special move. Magnolia imbues the tip of her staff with light before hurling a ball of it forward at an enemy. It does more damage against undead enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 50%.
  • Daggers: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to beast enemies.
    • Infinity: An offensive special move. Magnolia cuts an enemy in an infinity pattern before slashing them horizontally one last time. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 20%.
    • Blade Storm: An offensive special move. Magnolia throws a flurry of blades at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 20%.
    • Perfect Circle: A recovery special move. Magnolia performs a ritual with daggers, restoring the entire party’s HP and curing them from status effects. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 35%.
    • Cross Divide: An offensive special move. Magnolia slashes passed an enemy multiple times at incredible speeds. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 50%.
  • Bows: Two-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to undead enemies. Damage dealt is determined by Dexterity instead of Strength.
    • Maximum Draw: An offensive special move. Magnolia draws the furthest she can with her bow before firing a powerful arrow at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s critical hit rates are raised by 200%.
    • Cursed Arrow: An enfeebling special move. Magnolia fires multiple arrows at all enemies that lowers their P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 15%. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 35%.
    • Rapid Fire: An offensive special move. Magnolia jumps in the air before shooting arrows that create a fiery blast on the enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 35%.
    • Angelic Pillar: An offensive special move. Magnolia fires a light imbued arrow into the sky, which creates a ball of light that rains beams down on all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Def is raised by 35%.
  • Katanas: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to aquatic enemies.
    • Moonshadow: An offensive special move. Magnolia performs a slash that puts the enemy in a stop state. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 20%.
    • Breaking Wave: An offensive special move. Magnolia slashes forward to send a wave of water at all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s critical hit rates are raised by 300%.
    • Petal Swirl: An offensive special move. Magnolia slashes an enemy multiple times before perform a slash that creates a whirlwind of petals. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s speed is raised by 50%.
    • Autumn Brocade: An offensive special move. Magnolia slashes twice before rushing forward and performing a powerful slash passed the enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s speed is raised by 50%.
  • Knuckles: Two-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to inorganic enemies. These types of weapons’ fighting style includes using bare fists.
    • Moonbeam: An offensive special move. Magnolia performs a powerful flip kick on an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 25%.
    • Qigong Wind: A recovery special move. Magnolia creates an orb of healing energy and puts it into the ground, restoring the entire party’s HP and granting them regen. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s M.Atk is raised by 30%.
    • Ascendant Palm: An offensive special move. Magnolia performs a flurry of punches on an enemy before finishing it off with a kick. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 35%.
    • Thunderburst: An offensive special move. Magnolia creates a ball of lightning and punches it forward at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 50%.
  • Greatswords: One-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to dragon enemies.
    • Limit Break: An offensive special move. Magnolia charges up before rushing forward and performing a stab passed an enemy that’s unaffected by P.Def. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 20%.
    • Air Splitter: An offensive special move. Magnolia charges up before rushing forward and slashing passed all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 35%.
    • Cross Crusher: An offensive special move. Magnolia performs multiple strong earth-based slashes on an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 40%.
    • Supernova: An offensive special move. Magnolia imbues her greatsword with light to make it incredibly large before slashing downwards on all enemies. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 50%.
  • Firearms: Two-handed weapons that deal 50% more damage to aerial enemies. Damage dealt is determined by Dexterity instead of Strength.
    • Laser Discharge: An offensive special move. Magnolia charges up before firing off a beam at an enemy. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 10%.
    • Spider’s Web: An enfeebling special move. Magnolia fires off bullets that produce energy webs that lowers all enemies’ speed, hit counts, accuracy, and evasion by 25%. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s speed is raised by 35%.
    • Trigger Happy: An offensive special move. Magnolia fires at all enemies multiple times before dashing forward and shooting passed them and above them, finishing it off in an explosion. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s hit counts are raised by 50%.
    • Assault Mission: An offensive special move. Magnolia fires many beams into the air before charging up and shooting more forward, all of which cross up and hit all enemies in a barrage that’s unaffected by P.Def. For the duration of the song, the entire party’s P.Atk is raised by 50%.
  • Shields: One-handed equipment that is highly effective. Some shields come with effects such as increasing P.Atk and reducing elemental damage.
  • Head Armor: Armor worn on the head, which includes hats and helms. Some head armor come with effects such as making the wearer immune to blindness and reducing the damage taken from water-based attacks.
  • Torso Armor: Armor worn on the torso, which includes clothes and armor. Some torso armor come with effects such as raising maximum HP and raising BP at the start of a battle.
  • Accessories: Equipment that has a variety of effects for many situations, such as reducing specific elemental damage, granting immunity to specific status effects, manipulating the BP of the party or enemies, and other helpful things.

Each special move from a weapon is categorized into one of four different types, and each type has a set of equippable parts that give more added benefits. Only four parts can be equipped at once, and only one part that does a specific type of effect can be added on. The following is a list of all the equippable parts Magnolia can add on to her special moves:

  • Offensive: Special moves that deal damage to enemies.
    • Fire: Adds a fire effect.
    • Water: Adds a water effect.
    • Lightning: Adds a lightning effect.
    • Wind: Adds a wind effect.
    • Earth: Adds an earth effect.
    • Light: Adds a light effect.
    • Dark: Adds a dark effect.
    • Power Boost Lv 1: Increases power by 10%.
    • Power Boost Lv 2: Increases power by 20%.
    • Power Boost Lv 3: Increases power by 30%.
    • Power Boost Lv 4: Increases power by 40%.
    • Power Boost Lv 5: Increases power by 50%.
    • Beast Slayer: Adds a Beast Slaying effect.
    • Plant Slayer: Adds a Plant Slaying effect.
    • Aquatic Slayer: Adds an Aquatic Slaying effect.
    • Insect Slayer: Adds an Insect Slaying effect.
    • Flier Slayer: Adds a Flier Slaying effect.
    • Undead Slayer: Adds an Undead Slaying effect.
    • Demon Slayer: Adds a Demon Slaying effect.
    • Dragon Slayer: Adds a Dragon Slaying effect.
    • Poison Touch: Adds poison.
    • Blind Touch: Adds blind.
    • Silence Touch: Adds silence.
    • Sleep Touch: Adds sleep.
    • Paralyze Touch: Adds paralyze.
    • Dread Touch: Adds dread.
    • Stop Touch: Adds stop.
    • Confuse Touch: Adds confuse.
    • Charm Touch: Adds charm.
    • Death Touch: Adds death.
  • Recovery: Special moves that restore HP to the entire party.
    • HP Recovery Lv 1: Increases the amount of HP recovered by 10%.
    • HP Recovery Lv 2: Increases the amount of HP recovered by 20%.
    • HP Recovery Lv 3: Increases the amount of HP recovered by 30%.
    • HP Recovery Lv 4: Increases the amount of HP recovered by 40%.
    • HP Recovery Lv 5: Increases the amount of HP recovered by 50%.
    • Cure Poison: Adds a cure poison effect.
    • Cure Blind: Adds a cure blind effect.
    • Cure Silence: Adds a cure silence effect.
    • Cure Sleep: Adds a cure sleep effect.
    • Cure Paralyze: Adds a cure paralyze effect.
    • Cure Dread: Adds a cure dread effect.
    • Cure Berserk: Adds a cure berserk effect.
    • Cure Stop: Adds a cure stop effect.
    • Cure Confuse: Adds a cure confuse effect.
    • Cure Charm: Adds a cure charm effect.
    • Cure Doom: Adds a cure doom, which instantly kills the one with it after awhile, effect.
    • Cure K.O.: Adds a cure K.O. effect.
    • MP Recovery Lv 1: Adds a 10% MP recovery effect.
    • MP Recovery Lv 2: Adds a 20% MP recovery effect.
    • MP Recovery Lv 3: Adds a 30% MP recovery effect.
    • MP Recovery Lv 4: Adds a 40% MP recovery effect.
    • MP Recovery Lv 5: Adds a 50% MP recovery effect.
    • BP Bonus Lv 1: Adds a 1 BP boost effect.
    • BP Bonus Lv 2: Adds a 2 BP boost effect.
  • Enfeeble: Special moves that debuff enemies.
    • +1 Turns: Adds 1 extra turn to debuffs.
    • +2 Turns: Adds 2 extra turns to debuffs.
    • +3 Turns: Adds 3 extra turns to debuffs.
    • +4 Turns: Adds 4 extra turns to debuffs.
    • +5 Turns: Adds 5 extra turns to debuffs.
    • P.Atk Down: Decreases P.Atk by 25%.
    • P.Def Down: Decreases P.Def by 25%.
    • M.Atk Down: Decreases M.Atk by 25%.
    • M.Def Down: Decreases M.Def by 25%.
    • Speed Down: Decreases speed by 25%.
    • Accuracy Down: Decreases accuracy by 25%.
    • Poison Res Down: Adds a poison resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Blind Res Down: Adds a blind resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Silence Res Down: Adds a silence resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Sleep Res Down: Adds a sleep resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Paralyze Res Down: Adds a paralyze resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Dread Res Down: Adds a dread resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Stop Res Down: Adds a stop resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Confuse Res Down: Adds a confuse resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Charm Res Down: Adds a charm resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Death Res Down: Adds a death resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Fire Res Down: Adds a fire resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Water Res Down: Adds a water resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Lightning Res Down: Adds a lightning resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Wind Res Down: Adds a wind resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Earth Res Down: Adds an earth resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Light Res Down: Adds a light resistance enfeebling effect.
    • Dark Res Down: Adds a dark resistance enfeebling effect.
  • Support: Special moves that buff the entire party.
    • +1 Turns: Adds 1 extra turn to buffs.
    • +2 Turns: Adds 2 extra turns to buffs.
    • +3 Turns: Adds 3 extra turns to buffs.
    • +4 Turns: Adds 4 extra turns to buffs.
    • +5 Turns: Adds 5 extra turns to buffs.
    • P.Atk Up: Adds a 50% P.Atk boost effect.
    • P.Def Up: Adds a 50% P.Def boost effect.
    • M.Atk Up: Adds a 50% M.Atk boost effect.
    • M.Def Up: Adds a 50% M.Def boost effect.
    • Speed Up: Adds a 50% speed boost effect.
    • Evade Up: Adds a 50% evasion boost effect.
    • Crit Rate Up: Adds a 400% critical hit rate boost effect.
    • Poison Res Up: Adds a poison resistance effect.
    • Blind Res Up: Adds a blind resistance effect.
    • Silence Res Up: Adds a silence resistance effect.
    • Sleep Res Up: Adds a sleep resistance effect.
    • Paralyze Res Up: Adds a paralyze resistance effect.
    • Dread Res Up: Adds a dread resistance effect.
    • Berserk Res Up: Adds a berserk resistance effect.
    • Stop Res Up: Adds a stop resistance effect.
    • Confuse Res Up: Adds a confuse resistance effect.
    • Charm Res Up: Adds a charm resistance effect.
    • Doom Res Up: Adds a doom resistance effect.
    • Death Res Up: Adds a death resistance effect.
    • Fire Res Up: Adds a fire resistance effect.
    • Water Res Up: Adds a water resistance effect.
    • Lightning Res Up: Adds a lightning resistance effect.
    • Wind Res Up: Adds a wind resistance effect.
    • Earth Res Up: Adds an earth resistance effect.
    • Light Res Up: Adds a light resistance effect.
    • Dark Res Up: Adds a dark resistance effect.

Powers & Abilities

A technique that gives Magnolia the ability to perform extra actions back-to-back right away. She gives up BP in order to do it, and she can do it up to three times to perform four actions. Magnolia can hold up to 3 BP under normal conditions, and she can use it even when she doesn’t have any BP at the cost of it going negative, which makes her unable to perform actions until it rises back up to 0. This essentially leaves Magnolia wide-open to anything enemies do, so she has to manage her BP wisely.

Magnolia keeps her guard up instead of performing an action. This reduces damage by 50% and doesn’t use up any BP, so she gains 1 instead of losing any, as performing any other action would otherwise use BP. This includes when Magnolia doesn’t Brave and only performs one action, which would make her break even instead of gaining BP.

Job Commands
Abilities that are obtained from the many jobs Magnolia can become. Many of these require the use of HP, MP, BP, items, or even pg. She can have a maximum of two different jobs’ command abilities at once during battle, with one as her main job and the other as a secondary. The main job depends on what job Magnolia currently is, and she can change the secondary job to whatever she wants. However, to change her main job, she must use an asterisk. The following is a list of all the job commands Magnolia can use, as well as each job command’s abilities:

  • Miscellany: The job command of the Freelancer job class. These abilities focus on being all around useful in battle.
    • Examine: Magnolia scans the enemy to learn about their HP, elemental weaknesses, and family.
    • Halfsies: Magnolia uses a consumable item on the entire party at the cost of its effect being reduced by 50%. Some items don’t get their potency reduced due to not giving a specific amount. Costs 8 MP.
    • Square One: Magnolia cancels the effects of regen, stop, and reraise, as well as abilities that nullify status effects, raise or lower stats, abate or nullify elements, or make enemies weaker.
    • Mimic: Magnolia performs the last action used by herself or an ally. The copied action doesn’t use up any HP, MP, BP, items, or pg that would have normally been used.
  • Spirit Magic: The job command of the Wizard job class. These abilities focus on magic attacks that are most useful when used with Spellcraft.
    • Heat: Magnolia casts minor fire magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Frost: Magnolia casts minor water magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Lightning: Magnolia casts minor lightning magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Tornado: Magnolia casts minor wind magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Soil: Magnolia casts minor earth magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Shining: Magnolia casts minor light magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Shadow: Magnolia casts minor dark magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
    • Spirit: Magnolia casts minor non-elemental magic to all enemies. Costs 5 MP.
  • Warfare: The job command of the Charioteer job class. These abilities focus on power and the usefulness of being able to hold more than two weapons at once.
    • Trample: Magnolia deals a crushing blow that deals more damage the closer her HP is to maximum.
    • Weapon Toss: Magnolia throws a weapon at an enemy, dealing damage that isn’t affected by their P.Def.
    • Retrieve Weapon: Magnolia retrieves all weapons that were thrown in battle. Costs 8 MP.
    • Wild Toss: Magnolia throws a weapon at all enemies, dealing damage that isn’t affected by their P.Def.
    • Master-at-Arms: Magnolia raises the proficiency of all weapon types she’s currently wielding by one. Costs 8 MP.
    • Wanton Destruction: Magnolia unleashes a flurry of attacks that randomly hit enemies. It deals more damage the higher the proficiency the weapon type she has in her right hand is. Costs 1 BP.
  • Swordplay: The job command of the Fencer job class. These abilities focus on assuming different stances to gain buffs before going all out with stance-specific attacks.
    • Blazing Wolf: Magnolia assumes the wolf stance, raising her P.Atk and M.Atk by 25%.
    • Stalwart Aurochs: Magnolia assumes the aurochs stance, raising her P.Def and M.Def by 25%.
    • Wolf Fang: While in wolf stance, Magnolia strikes an enemy before transitioning to aurochs stance. Costs 5 MP.
    • Goring Aurochs: While in aurochs stance, Magnolia strikes an enemy before transitioning to wolf stance. Costs 10 MP.
    • Soaring Falcon: Magnolia assumes the falcon stance, raising her speed by 50%.
    • Falcon Claw: While in falcon stance, Magnolia delivers four swift strikes that target enemies randomly. Costs 1 BP.
    • Bloody Wolf: Magnolia assumes the wolf stance, raising her P.Atk and M.Atk to their maximum values.
  • Holy Magic: The job command of the Bishop job class. These abilities focus on healing, removing status effects, and other helpful magic that is most used in conjunction with Good Measure.
    • Heal: Magnolia heals herself or an ally by 30% of their maximum HP. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 5 MP.
    • Antidote: Magnolia cures herself or an ally from poison. Costs 4 MP.
    • Open Eyes: Magnolia cures herself or an ally from blindness. Costs 4 MP.
    • Holy Night: Magnolia sets up a spell that heals herself or an ally by 30% of their maximum HP if they’re attacked while Defaulting. Costs 8 MP.
    • Blessing: Magnolia revives an ally, giving them 15% of their maximum HP. Costs 16 MP.
    • Vivify: Magnolia heals herself or an ally by 50% of their maximum HP.  It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 16 MP.
    • Benevolence: Magnolia transfers 20% of her maximum MP to an ally of her choice. Costs 4 MP.
    • Innocence: Magnolia cures herself or an ally from poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm. Costs 16 MP.
    • Benediction: Magnolia heals herself or an ally by 100% of their maximum HP.  It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 24 MP.
    • Resurrect: Magnolia revives an ally with full HP. It has a 70% chance to instantly kill undead enemies. Costs 16 MP.
    • Sacrifice: Magnolia enters a K.O. state in order to unleash a massive light-based attack on all enemies. Costs 44 MP.
    • Calm: Magnolia moves first to prevent HP, MP, and BP damage from happening. She can use this while silenced, but not as a ghost. Costs 1 BP.
    • Fate: Magnolia makes an ally fall in love with her, which makes them copy her moves for awhile. Costs 48 MP.
  • Astral Magic: The job command of the Astrologian job class. These abilities focus on granting buffs and other beneficial effects to herself or her allies.
    • Physical Boon: Magnolia raises a her or an ally’s P.Atk by 30%. Costs 6 MP.
    • Mystic Boon: Magnolia raises a her or an ally’s M.Atk by 30%. Costs 6 MP.
    • Evade Boon: Magnolia raises a her or an ally’s evasion by 30%. Costs 3 MP.
    • Elemental Ward: Magnolia creates a barrier around herself or an ally that halves the damage taken from attacks of a certain element of her choosing. Costs 3 MP.
    • Speed Boon: Magnolia raises a her or an ally’s speed by 30%. Costs 12 MP.
    • Magic Mirror: Magnolia creates a barrier around herself or an ally that reflects magic back to sender. Costs 12 MP.
    • Physical Ward: Magnolia raises her or an ally’s P.Def by 30%. Costs 8 MP.
    • Mystic Ward: Magnolia raises her or an ally’s M.Def by 30%. Costs 8 MP.
    • Lucky Day: Magnolia increases her or an ally’s success rate for all abilities with chances of failure, as well as attempts to inflict status effects. Costs 5 MP.
    • Elemental Mirror: Magnolia creates a barrier around herself or an ally that reflects attacks from a certain element back to sender. Costs 12 MP.
    • Elemental Boon: Magnolia raises the power of her or an ally’s elemental attacks by half. Costs 24 MP.
    • Elemental Barrier: Magnolia creates a barrier around herself or an ally that nullifies all damage taken from elemental attacks. Costs 36 MP.
    • Status Barrier: Magnolia creates a barrier around herself or an ally that protects them from status effects. Costs 48 MP.
  • Catmancy: The job command of the Catmancer job class. These abilities focus on using the attacks of enemies gotten from Learning by consuming cat food, as well as other useful skills.
    • Catmancy: Magnolia consumes one cat food item in order to use an ability learned from an enemy.
      • Blood Leech: Magnolia consumes Beast Flesh in order to absorb an enemy’s HP.
      • Spirit Leech: Magnolia consumes a Roc Filet in order to absorb an enemy’s MP.
      • Chomp: Magnolia consumes Beast Flesh in order to reduce an enemy’s HP to 1.
      • Perforator: Magnolia consumes a Cat Feather in order to attack and lower an enemy’s P.Def.
      • Mass Attack: Magnolia consumes a Roc Filet in order to attack together with all allies with critically low HP.
      • Wing Scales: Magnolia consumes a Leviathan Sashimi in order to attack and confuse the enemy.
      • White Wind: Magnolia consumes a Cat Feather in order to heal all allies by her current HP amount.
      • Panzerlied: Magnolia consumes a Dragon Steak in order to raise the P.Atk of all allies.
      • Book Burning: Magnolia consumes a Rare Cheese in order to perform a fire-based attack that inflicts silence.
      • Spray: Magnolia consumes a Dried Remora in order to perform a water-based attack that pierces Default.
      • Sonic Boom: Magnolia consumes Monoceros Flakes in order to perform a wind-based attack that pierces P.Def.
      • Rock Storm: Magnolia consumes Tender Victuals in order to perform an earth-based attack thats hits all enemies.
      • Stardust: Magnolia consumes Catnip in order to perform a light-based attack thats hits all enemies.
    • Catnap: Magnolia attempts to force an enemy to sleep, working 50% of the time.
    • Dig: Magnolia digs in the ground to find cat food items.
    • Mislead: Magnolia lowers her chances of being targeted by enemies.
    • Cat Mastery: Magnolia consumes two cat food items in order to use a strong ability learned from an enemy.
      • Vigor Tonic: Magnolia consumes Beast Flesh and Catnip in order to raise the BP of an ally by 1.
      • R.I.P.: Magnolia consumes a Roc Filet and Catnip in order to instantly kill all sleeping enemies.
      • Slugger: Magnolia consumes a Leviathan Sashimi and Catnip in order to send an enemy flying off the battlefield.
      • Death Spiral: Magnolia consumes Cat Flesh and Catnip in order to four randomly targeting attacks on enemies that have a chance at instantly killing them.
      • Battle Royale: Magnolia consumes a Dragon Steak and Catnip in order to make everyone in battle go berserk.
      • Dragonlord Strike: Magnolia consumes a Rare Cheese and Catnip in order to deliver a strike that is four times more powerful than a regular attack.
      • Bone Crush: Magnolia consumes a Dried Remora and Catnip in order to unleash an attack that deals extra damage to enfeebled enemies.
      • Electrolysis: Magnolia consumes Monoceros Flakes and Catnip in order to perform a lightning-based attack that hits all enemies and makes them weak to fire.
    • Purrfect Stance: Magnolia raises her P.Def and M.Def to their maximum values. Costs 8 MP.
    • Meow to the Max: Magnolia increases the damage dealt by all Catmancy and Cat Mastery moves to 150%. Costs 22 MP.
  • Thievery: The job command of the Thief job class. These abilities focus on stealing items from others and effectively using its high Agility.
    • Steal: Magnolia attempts to steal an item from an enemy, working 50% of the time.
    • Steal Breath: Magnolia attacks an enemy and recovers HP equal to the damage dealt. However, if used on an undead enemy, she will take damage instead. Costs 8 MP.
    • Mug: Magnolia attacks an enemy and attempts to steal an item from them, working 50% of the time. Costs 16 MP.
    • Steal Mind: Magnolia attacks an enemy and recovers MP equal to the damage dealt. However, if used on an undead enemy, she will lose MP instead.
    • Godspeed Strike: Magnolia unleashes an attack that substitutes speed for P.Atk and ignores the enemy’s P.Def. Costs 1 BP.
    • Shake Down: Magnolia attempts to steal an item from all enemies, working 50% of the time for each one. Costs 1 BP.
    • Prince of Thieves: Magnolia attempts to steal a rare item from an enemy, working 25% of the time.
  • B/W Magic: The job command of the Red Mage job class. These abilities focus on combining the lower levels of White Magic and Black Magic and making up for their lack of power by using them with various support abilities that raise BP or limit the cost of MP.
    • Cure: Magnolia heals a small amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 10 MP.
    • Aero: Magnolia casts minor wind magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Fire: Magnolia casts minor fire magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Blizzard: Magnolia casts minor water magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Esuna: Magnolia cures herself or an ally from poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm. Costs 18 MP.
    • Raise: Magnolia revives an ally. It has a 70% to instantly kill undead enemies. Costs 18 MP.
    • Thunder: Magnolia casts minor lightning magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Aspir: Magnolia absorbs MP from an enemy. However, if used on an undead enemy, she will lose MP instead. Costs 1 MP.
    • Cura: Magnolia heals a medium amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 20 MP.
    • Aerora: Magnolia casts medium wind magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Fira: Magnolia casts medium fire magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Blizzara: Magnolia casts medium water magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Curada: Magnolia heals a large amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 30 MP.
    • Esunaga: Magnolia cures the entire party from poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm. Costs 36 MP.
    • Thundara: Magnolia casts medium lightning magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Drain: Magnolia absorbs HP from an enemy. However, if used on an undead enemy, she will take damage instead. Costs 8 MP.
  • Summoning: The job command of the Summoner job class. These abilities focus on using magic to call upon powerful beings from other worlds. These summons can alternatively be used to gain buffs to oneself, which costs more MP.
    • Hresvelgr: Magnolia summons Hresvelgr to deal wind damage to all enemies or raise speed and evasion to maximum. Costs 40 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Deus Ex: Magnolia summons Deus Ex to deal lightning damage to all enemies or raise M.Atk to maximum. Costs 40 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Ziusudra’s Sin: Magnolia summons Ziusudra’s Sin to deal water damage to all enemies or raise M.Def to maximum. Costs 40 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Promethean Fire: Magnolia summons Promethean Fire to deal fire damage to all enemies or raise P.Atk to maximum. Costs 40 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Girtablulu: Magnolia summons Girtablulu to deal earth damage to all enemies or raise P.Def to maximum. Costs 40 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Charybdis: Magnolia summons Charybdis to lower the P.Atk and M.Atk of all enemies by 50% or raise the hit count for regular attacks to maximum. Costs 60 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Susano-o: Magnolia summons Susano-o to deal dark damage to all enemies or raise critical hit rate to maximum. Costs 60 and 90 MP respectively.
    • Amaterasu: Magnolia summons Amaterasu to restore a massive amount of HP to the entire party or raise the power of healing magic. It can also be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 60 MP for both.
  • Bushido: The job command of the Swordmaster job class. These abilities focus on punishing enemies for making attempts to attack the party.
    • Nothing Ventured: Magnolia enters a counter stance before the enemy attacks. If she gets hit by a physical attack, she takes half the damage she would have normally taken and strikes back at the enemy with an attack that’s double the damage of a regular attack.
    • Squeaky Wheel: Magnolia reduces an enemy’s BP by 1, though tougher enemies only make this work 30% of the time. Costs 1 BP.
    • Before Swine: Magnolia enters a counter stance before the enemy attacks. If she gets hit by a magic attack, she takes half the damage she would have normally taken and strikes back at the enemy with an attack that’s double the damage of a regular attack.
    • The Worm Turns: Magnolia enters a counter stance before the enemy attacks and makes them more likely to target her. If she gets hit by an attack while she has less than 20% of her maximum HP, she strikes back at the enemy with an attack that’s seven and half times stronger than a regular attack.
    • Free Lunch: Magnolia makes it so magic she casts costs no MP for a bit.
    • Eye for an Eye: Magnolia enters a counter stance before the enemy attacks. If one of her allies gets attacked, she strikes back at the enemy with an attack that’s four times stronger than a regular attack.
  • Shamanism: The job command of the Hawkeye job class. These abilities focus on dealing physical damage in copious amounts to various types of enemies.
    • Sidewinder: Magnolia unleashes a powerful physical attack that can be manually target specific enemies. The less enemies targeted, the stronger the attack is. Costs 1 BP.
    • Maverick: Magnolia unleashes a powerful physical attack on the enemy with the lowest HP that happens after all enemies and allies have already performed an action. Costs 8 MP.
    • Warhead: Magnolia imbues her weapon with an element of her choice, which also makes it more powerful in general. Costs 16 MP.
    • Condor: Magnolia enhances her physical attacks so that they ignore the effects of Default and instead deal half more damage. Costs 8 MP.
    • Harpoon: Magnolia enhances her physical attacks so that they ignore the enemy’s P.Def.
    • Sparrow: Magnolia strikes an enemy with a magic attack based on the P.Atk rating of her right-hand weapon. Costs 8 MP.
    • Shrike: Magnolia fires a bullet into the air that comes down after a bit to strike an enemy. Costs 16 MP.
  • Confectionary: The job command of the Patissier job class. These abilities focus on creating desserts that debuff enemies in various ways. To make these dishes, pastry ingredients are needed.
    • Bon Appétit: Magnolia creates desserts using two pastry ingredients before throwing it at an enemy. Each dish has their own unique debuffing effect.
      • Poison Pastry: Magnolia uses Genoise and Chantilly to create a pastry that poisons an enemy.
      • Blinding Biscuit: Magnolia uses Genoise and Streusel to create a biscuit that blinds an enemy.
      • Silencing Soufflé: Magnolia uses Genoise and Zeste to create a soufflé that silences an enemy.
      • Slumber Slice: Magnolia uses Genoise and Nappage to create a dessert slice that puts an enemy to sleep.
      • Paralysis Pie: Magnolia uses Genoise and Vanille to create a pie that paralyzes an enemy.
      • Terror Truffle: Magnolia uses Genoise and Cannelle to create a truffle that inflicts dread on an enemy.
      • Berserker Bundt: Magnolia uses Genoise and Fraise to create a bundt cake that makes an enemy go berserk.
      • Crazy Cupcake: Magnolia uses Genoise and Chocolat to create a cupcake that confuses an enemy.
      • Charm Cheesecake: Magnolia uses Genoise and Bombe to create a cheesecake that charms an enemy.
      • Lethal Layer Cake: Magnolia uses Genoise and Anglaise to create a layered cake that instantly kills an enemy.
      • Ghostly Ganache: Magnolia uses Genoise and Amande to create a ganache cake that turns an enemy into a ghost.
      • Flaming Fondant: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Chantilly to create a fondant cake that makes an enemy weak to fire.
      • Ice Cream Cake: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Streusel to create an ice cream cake that makes an enemy weak to water.
      • Thunder Tart: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Nappage to create a tart that makes an enemy weak to lightning.
      • Gusty Genoise: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Zeste to create a genoise that makes an enemy weak to wind.
      • Soil Spicecake: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Vanille to create a spicecake that makes an enemy weak to earth.
      • Bright Blondie: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Cannelle to create a blondie that makes an enemy weak to light.
      • Devil’s Food Cake: Magnolia uses Biscuit and Fraise to create a devil’s food cake that makes an enemy weak to dark.
      • Wilting Winecake: Magnolia uses Feuilletage and Chantilly to create a winecake that lowers P.Atk.
      • Fool’s Fruitcake: Magnolia uses Feuilletage and Chocolat to create a fruitcake that lowers M.Atk.
      • Soft Spongecake: Magnolia uses Feuilletage and Bombe to create a spongecake that lowers P.Def.
      • Upside-Down Cake: Magnolia uses Feuilletage and Anglaise to create an upside-down cake that lowers M.Def.
      • Fat Rascal: Magnolia uses Feuilletage and Amande to create a fat rascal that lowers speed.
    • Harvest: Magnolia looks around and harvests any pastry ingredients she can find.
    • Flambé: Magnolia unleashes a fire attack on all enemies that deals damage proportional to each enemy’s current BP.
    • Decoration: Magnolia raises the likelihood of her or an ally being targeted by enemies.
    • Digestion: Magnolia removes the ghost status effect and any attribute bonuses. Costs 8 MP.
    • Piestorm: Magnolia tosses four pies randomly at enemies. Each pie lowers a stat, with there being one for P.Atk, one for P.Def, one for M.Atk, and one for M.Def.
  • Commerce: The job command of the Merchant job class. These abilities focus on using pg for a variety of effects.
    • Pay to Play: Magnolia spends 50 pg multiplied by her level to raise her or an ally’s critical hit rate by 300%.
    • Pharmacy: Magnolia spends pg to buy a recovery item to use on herself or an ally.
    • Salesman: Magnolia forces an enemy to buy a consumable item from her at almost two and half times the usual selling price. The success rate of this depends on the type of item.
    • Hedge Risk: Magnolia halves the damage she takes for a bit by spending pg equal to half the damage taken.
    • Takeover: Magnolia spends 50 pg multiplied by her level to deal damage to an enemy equal to the amount spent.
    • BP Drink: Magnolia purchases a drink that increases the amount of BP she or an ally has. They come in small, medium, and large, which increases BP by 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Small costs 1,000 pg, medium costs 10,000 pg, and large costs 100,000 pg.
    • Big Pharma: Magnolia restores the HP of an enemy and makes them pay pg equal to the amount recovered.
    • Payoff: Magnolia spends money to buy off enemies to end a battle.
  • White Magic: The job command of the White Mage job class. These abilities focus on using magic to heal and support the party while also having a few attacks.
    • Cure: Magnolia heals a small amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 10 MP.
    • Aero: Magnolia casts minor wind magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Esuna: Magnolia cures herself or an ally from poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm. Costs 18 MP.
    • Raise: Magnolia revives an ally. It has a 70% to instantly kill undead enemies. Costs 18 MP.
    • Cura: Magnolia heals a medium amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 20 MP.
    • Aerora: Magnolia casts medium wind magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Curada: Magnolia heals a large amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 30 MP.
    • Esunaga: Magnolia cures the entire party from poison, blindness, silence, sleep, paralysis, dread, berserk, confusion, and charm. Costs 36 MP.
    • Curaga: Magnolia heals an enormous amount of HP to herself or an ally. It can also be cast on the entire party at the cost of lessening its potency or be used on undead enemies to hurt them. Costs 40 MP.
    • Aeroga: Magnolia casts powerful wind magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 45 MP.
    • Arise: Magnolia revives an ally and brings them to maximum HP. It has a 70% to instantly kill undead enemies. Costs 80 MP.
    • Holy: Magnolia casts powerful light magic on an enemy. Costs 80 MP.
    • Raise All: Magnolia revives all allies. It has a 70% to instantly kill all undead enemies. Costs 60 MP.
  • Hunting: The job command of the Ranger job class. These abilities focus on targeting family weaknesses with powerful physical attacks.
    • Berserk: Magnolia makes herself go berserk.
    • Targeting: Magnolia delivers a physical attack that always results in a critical hit. Costs 1 BP.
    • Bug Slayer: Magnolia performs an attack that deals half more damage to bug enemies. Costs 8 MP.
    • Plant Slayer: Magnolia performs an attack that deals half more damage to plant enemies. Costs 8 MP.
    • Beast Slayer: Magnolia performs an attack that deals half more damage to beast enemies. Costs 8 MP.
    • Aquatic Slayer: Magnolia performs an attack that deals half more damage to aquatic enemies. Costs 8 MP.
    • Dragon Slayer: Magnolia performs an attack that deals half more damage to dragon enemies. Costs 8 MP.
    • Multiburst: Magnolia unleashes four physical attacks that randomly target enemies, dealing only a little above half damage for each hit. Costs 1 BP.
  • Black Magic: The job command of the Black Mage job class. These abilities focus on powerful elemental magic and other spells that negatively affect enemies.
    • Fire: Magnolia casts minor fire magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Blizzard: Magnolia casts minor water magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Thunder: Magnolia casts minor lightning magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 10 MP.
    • Aspir: Magnolia absorbs MP from an enemy. However, if used on an undead enemy, she will lose MP instead. Costs 1 MP.
    • Fira: Magnolia casts medium fire magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Blizzara: Magnolia casts medium water magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Thundara: Magnolia casts medium lightning magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 25 MP.
    • Drain: Magnolia absorbs HP from an enemy. However, if used on an undead enemy, she will take damage instead. Costs 8 MP.
    • Firaga: Magnolia casts powerful fire magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 45 MP.
    • Blizzaga: Magnolia casts powerful water magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 45 MP.
    • Thundaga: Magnolia casts powerful lightning magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 45 MP.
    • Dark: Magnolia casts powerful dark magic on an enemy. Costs 80 MP.
    • Flare: Magnolia casts incredibly powerful fire magic on all enemies. Costs 80 MP.
  • Ninjutsu: The job command of the Ninja job class. These abilities focus on dealing swift strikes and evading attacks.
    • Shippûjinrai: Magnolia quickly attacks an enemy before they perform any action. Costs 16 MP.
    • Shunshin: Magnolia raises her evasion for awhile.
    • Utsusemi: Magnolia evades a physical attack once, with the effect staying up until they do so.
    • Ikkikasei: Magnolia raises the hit count of her next regular attacks that happen in succession of this by 100%. Costs 16 MP.
    • Kairai: Magnolia goes first and forces enemies to target herself or an ally of her choice.
    • Impermanence: Magnolia reverses the effect of all attribute bonuses and penalties. Costs 32 MP.
  • Chivalry: The job command of the Knight job class. These abilities focus on managing P.Def and using oneself to cover allies from attacks.
    • Stomp: Magnolia deals a powerful physical attack at the cost of P.Def and M.Def lowering by 25%.
    • Ironclad: Magnolia moves first and raises her P.Def to maximum until the entire party and all enemies are finished performing their actions. Costs 4 MP.
    • Shield Strike: Magnolia attacks with her shield and raises her P.Def by 25%. She can only use this when a shield is equipped. Costs 6 MP.
    • Full Cover: Magnolia moves first and prepares to protect an ally. If the ally she chooses is going to be hit by a single-targeting physical attack, she’ll jump in to take half the damage her ally would have taken and keeping them safe.
    • Super Charge: Magnolia strike with a physical attack that converts double her P.Def into attack power. Costs 1 BP.
    • Iron Wall: Magnolia moves first and prepares to protect all allies. If an ally is going to be hit by a single-targeting physical attack, she’ll jump in to take half the damage her ally would have taken and keeping them safe.
  • Exorcism: The job command of the Exorcist job class. These abilities focus on reverting targets to previous states, as if nothing happened.
    • Undo HP: Magnolia reverts the HP of a target to what it was before actions were performed. Costs 20 MP.
    • Undo Action: Magnolia reverts the attack of an enemy that was performed against herself or an ally. Costs 16 MP.
    • Purgation: Magnolia cancels the effects of regen, stop, and reraise, as well as abilities that nullify status effects, raise or lower stats, abate or nullify elements, or make enemies weaker. Costs 8 MP.
    • Undo MP: Magnolia reverts the MP of a target to what it was before actions were performed. Costs 1 BP.
    • Undo BP: Magnolia reverts the BP of a target to what it was before actions were performed. Costs 3 BP.
    • Eradication: Magnolia performs an attack that has a 33% chance of killing all enemies. Costs 32 MP.
  • Martial Arts: The job command of the Monk job class. These abilities focus on brute physical force to deal lots of damage, though they also usually have downsides.
    • Strong Strike: Magnolia deals a powerful physical attack that has a 50% of missing the enemy.
    • Inner Alchemy: Magnolia cures from poison, blindness, silence, dread, and confusion. Costs 4 MP.
    • Invigorate: Magnolia raises her P.Atk by 25%, but has a 25% chance of failing, making her lose 20% of her maximum HP.
    • Hidden Dragon: Magnolia delivers a powerful strike at the cost of letting her allies and all enemies performing their actions first.
    • Qigong Wave: Magnolia deals a powerful physical attack that doesn’t have its power reduced on Defaulting enemies. Costs 9 MP.
    • Pressure Point: Magnolia deals a powerful physical attack that ignores the enemy’s P.Def. Costs 1 BP.
    • Phoenix Flight: Magnolia reduces her HP to 1 to perform an attack that deals damage equal to the amount of HP she sacrificed.
    • Crouching Tiger: Magnolia reduces all allies’ BP by 1 so that she can deliver a crushing physical attack.
  • Acrobatics: The job command of the Valkyrie job class. These abilities focus on using BP to deal lots of damage, as well as having some useful MP abilities.
    • Crescent Moon: Magnolia unleashes an attack that hits all enemies. Costs 1 BP.
    • Jump: Magnolia jumps in the air before hurtling down on an enemy to deal damage. If she has a spear equipped, damage is increased by 50%. If the enemy she tried to target is no longer in battle, she will Land back down to the ground instead. Costs 1 BP.
    • Spirit Barrier: Magnolia creates a barrier that protects her from all attacks by sacrificing MP equal to 10% of the damage suffered. Costs 10 MP.
    • Soul Crush: Magnolia reduces an enemy's MP by one-tenth the damage dealt by a regular attack. Costs 16 MP.
    • High Jump: Magnolia jumps in the air before hurtling down on an enemy to deal a large amount of damage. If she has a spear equipped, damage is increased by 50%. If the enemy she tried to target is no longer in battle, she will Land back down to the ground instead. Costs 2 BP.
    • Super Jump: Magnolia jumps in the air before hurtling down on an enemy to deal enormous damage. If she has a spear equipped, damage is increased by 50%. If the enemy she tried to target is no longer in battle, she will Land back down to the ground instead. Costs 3 BP.
  • Singing: The job command of the Performer job class. These abilities focus on raising the stats and BP of the entire party.
    • Love Power: Magnolia raises the entire party’s P.Atk by 20%. Costs 30 MP.
    • One More for You: Magnolia raises her or an ally’s BP by 1. Costs 26 MP.
    • Got Your Back: Magnolia raises the entire party’s P.Def by 20%. Costs 24 MP.
    • Key to Your Heart: Magnolia raises the entire party’s M.Def by 20%. Costs 24 MP.
    • Little Devil: Magnolia raises the entire party’s M.Atk by 20%. Costs 24 MP.
    • Zero Sum: Magnolia reduces all enemies’ BP to 0 if their BP is 1 or more. Costs 30 MP.
    • My Hero: Magnolia raises all allies’ BP by 1. Costs 2 BP.
    • Hearts♥On♥Fire: Magnolia raises the entire party’s P.Atk and M.Atk by 25%. Costs 45 MP.
    • The Grand Ship: Magnolia raises the entire party’s P.Def and M.Def by 25%. Costs 45 MP.
  • Piracy: The job command of the Pirate job class. These abilities focus on incredibly powerful physical attacks that lower the stats of enemies.
    • Double Damage: Magnolia delivers an attack that’s twice as powerful as a regular attack. Costs 50 MP.
    • Provoke: Magnolia raises her chances of being targeted by enemies
    • Shell Split: Magnolia delivers an attack that lowers the enemy’s P.Def by 25%. Costs 9 MP.
    • Scale Strip: Magnolia delivers an attack that lowers the enemy’s M.Def by 25%. Costs 9 MP.
    • Shin Smash: Magnolia delivers an attack that lowers the enemy’s speed by 25%. Costs 9 MP.
    • Defang: Magnolia delivers an attack that lowers the enemy’s P.Atk by 25%. Costs 9 MP.
    • Skull Bash: Magnolia delivers an attack that lowers the enemy’s M.Atk by 25%. Costs 9 MP.
    • Amped Strike: Magnolia delivers an attack that’s four times as powerful as a regular attack. Costs 150 MP.
  • Dark Arts: The job command of the Dark Knight job class. These abilities focus on sacrificing HP in order to perform powerful dark-based attacks.
    • Dark Bane: Magnolia sacrifices 20% of her maximum HP to unleash a dark-based physical attack.
    • Minus Strike: Magnolia delivers an attack that deals damage equal to the amount of HP she’s lost. Costs 16 MP.
    • Black Bane: Magnolia sacrifices 30% of her maximum HP to unleash a dark-based physical attack on all enemies.
    • Absorb Magic: Magnolia moves first to nullify damage from magic attacks, restoring her MP equal to the amount of MP used to attack her.
    • Dark Nebula: Magnolia sacrifices 20% of her maximum HP to unleash a dark-based physical attack on her allies and all enemies that deals four times the damage of a regular attack.
    • Life or Death: Magnolia raises her P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Atk by 50% at the cost of suffering from doom.
    • Rage: Magnolia unleashes Dark Bane against all enemies at random five times, or until her HP falls to 1. Costs 2 BP.
    • Funeral Pyre: Magnolia sacrifices 30% of her maximum HP to unleash a dark-based physical attack that deals more damage the lower the enemy’s BP is.
  • Time Magic: The job command of the Time Mage job class. These abilities focus on manipulating the speed of the party and enemies while also having a few attacks and effects that last over time.
    • Haste: Magnolia’s raises her or an ally’s speed by 50%. Costs 8 MP.
    • Quake: Magnolia casts minor earth magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 5 MP.
    • Regen: Magnolia casts a spell that restores her or an ally’s HP by 3% each time they perform an action. Costs 8 MP.
    • Quick: Magnolia raises her or an ally’s hit count by 50%. Costs 20 MP.
    • Quara: Magnolia casts medium earth magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 15 MP.
    • Gravity: Magnolia casts a spell that has a 50% chance of dealing damage to an enemy equal to half of their current HP. Costs 12 MP.
    • Comet: Magnolia casts non-elemental magic that hits an enemy up to four times. Costs 25 MP.
    • Hastega: Magnolia’s raises the entire party’s speed by 50%. Costs 32 MP.
    • Stop: Magnolia casts a spell that has a 75% chance of placing an enemy in the stop state. Costs 10 MP.
    • Quaga: Magnolia casts powerful earth magic on an enemy. It can also be cast on all enemies at the cost of lessening its potency. Costs 45 MP.
    • Reraise: Magnolia casts a spell on herself or an ally that automatically revives them when they’re K.O.’d. Costs 80 MP.
    • Meteor: Magnolia casts non-elemental magic that randomly targets enemies up to four times. Costs 99 MP.
    • Quickga: Magnolia raises her or an ally’s hit count by 100%. Costs 40 MP.
  • Soul Mastery: The job command of the Guardian job class. These abilities focus on possessing allies and enemies while also manipulating soul power.
    • Possession: Magnolia transfers her P.Atk, M.Atk, HP, MP, and soul power to an ally or enemies and takes control of them. Her maximum HP, MP, and soul power will also increase. She herself won’t be able to perform any actions.
    • Soul Smash: Magnolia consumes 20% soul power to unleash a powerful physical attack on an enemy.
    • Soul Blaster: Magnolia consumes 50% soul power to unleash a powerful physical attack on all enemies.
    • Soul Link: Magnolia uses the soul power of an ally or enemy instead of her own to perform abilities that consume soul power. Furthermore, her ally or enemy will gain soul power for every time they’re attacked. Costs 16 MP.
    • Soul Mirror: Magnolia summons a barrier around herself or an ally that reflects physical attacks. Costs 36 MP.
    • Possessed: Magnolia forces an ally or enemy to transfer their P.Atk, M.Atk, HP, MP, and soul power to her, which prevents them from performing actions. Being possessed also clears many status effects. Costs 8 MP.
    • Soul Cannon: Magnolia consumes 100% soul power to unleash an extremely powerful physical attack on an enemy.
  • Supremacy: The job command of the Kaiser job class. These abilities focus on altering the flow of battle in a variety of ways.
    • Blinding Light: Magnolia deals damage to all enemies equal to half of her current HP. Costs 1 BP.
    • Sonnenblume: Magnolia reverses initiate for who performs an action first. This applies to abilities that would normally always go first or last. Costs 16 MP.
    • Spring Awakening: Magnolia heals the entire party and all enemies up to 9,999 per party when no more actions are being performed. Costs 24 MP.
    • Westwind: Magnolia reverses the P.Def and M.Def of the entire party and all enemies. Costs 16 MP.
    • Winter Storm: Magnolia nullifies HP, MP, and BP recovery for the entire party and all enemies. Costs 16 MP.
    • Noble Eagle: Magnolia increases the P.Atk and M.Atk of the entire party and all enemies by 200%. Costs 16 MP.
    • Overlord: Magnolia makes all attacks from the entire party and all enemies critical hits. This doesn’t work on attacks that can never get critical hits. Costs 24 MP.
  • Holy Arts: The job command of the Templar job class. These abilities focus on helping out in a variety of situations, such as dealing good damage or protecting the party.
    • Rampart: Magnolia forms a shield around herself and her allies that blocks one physical attack. Costs 2 BP.
    • Giant Slayer: Magnolia performs a physical attack that deals more damage against enemies with higher BP. Costs 1 BP.
    • Radiant Blast: Magnolia unleashes a light-based physical attack that ignores Default's damage reduction effect. Costs 40 MP.
    • Desperation: Magnolia performs an attack that adds her P.Def to her P.Atk, though doing so will lower her P.Def to its minimum until her allies and all enemies are done performing actions. The damage dealt from this will not be reduced by P.Def.
    • Heaven’s Gate: Magnolia unleashes a light-based attack that randomly targets enemies and deals damage proportional to her BP. Costs 3 BP.
  • Diabolism: The job command of the Yōkai job class. These abilities focus on summoning the Seven Great Sins to perform a variety of useful attacks and effects.
    • Lust: Magnolia summons Asmodeus to charm all enemies, working 50% of the time. Costs 20 MP.
    • Thundaja: Magnolia summons Asmodeus to cast incredibly powerful lightning magic on all enemies that can’t be reflected. Costs 99 MP.
    • Gluttony: Magnolia summons Beelzebub to inflict gluttony on all allies, which converts damage into HP recovery. However, exceeding maximum HP will result in a K.O. instead. Costs 20 MP.
    • Acid Breath: Magnolia summons Beelzebub to attack all enemies with a physical attack that lowers P.Def and M.Def by 75%. Costs 2 BP.
    • Avarice: Magnolia summons Mammon to absorb 1 BP from all enemies. Costs 3 BP.
    • Blizzaja: Magnolia summons Mammon to cast incredibly powerful water magic on all enemies that can’t be reflected. Costs 99 MP.
    • Sloth: Magnolia summons Belphegor to cancel the effects of regen, stop, reflect, reraise, as well as those that nullify status effects, raise or lower stats, abate or nullify elements or make enemies weaker to them and absorb damage, and afflict them with a weakness to all elements. Costs 99 MP.
    • Firaja: Magnolia summons Belphegor to cast incredibly powerful fire magic on all enemies that can’t be reflected. Costs 99 MP.
    • Wrath: Magnolia summons Satan to make all enemies go berserk, working 75% of the time. Costs 20 MP.
    • Three Blades: Magnolia summons Satan to unleash an attack on all enemies that has a 50% chance of doing damage to one-half of all of their maximum HP. Costs 2 BP.
    • Envy: Magnolia summons Leviathan to cancel the support effects regen, stop, reflect, reraise, as well as those that nullify status effects, raise or lower stats, abate or nullify elements or make enemies weaker to them and absorb damage, and lower all their P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 25%. Costs 99 MP.
    • Consume Life: Magnolia summons Leviathan to unleash four attacks that randomly target enemies, with each successful hit having a 50% chance of killing them outright. Costs 2 BP.
    • Pride: Magnolia summons Lucifer to cancel the support effects regen, stop, reflect, reraise, as well as those that nullify status effects, raise or lower stats, abate or nullify elements or make enemies weaker to them and absorb damage, and raise her own P.Atk, M.Atk, P.Def, and M.Def by 25%. Costs 99 MP.
    • Aeroja: Magnolia summons Lucifer to cast incredibly powerful wind magic on all enemies that can’t be reflected. Costs 99 MP.
    • Disguise: Magnolia assumes the job of an ally, gaining access to all job commands from it. She can reveal herself at any time to go back to her original job. However, she can’t move during Bravely Second while disguised. Costs 8 MP.





Training & Experience


Magnolia might have a lot of helpful abilities and effects through support abilities, job commands, and special move parts, but she can only use so many at one time. These limits wouldn’t be too big of a problem if it also weren’t for the fact that she can’t change them during battle. Many job command abilities also require her to spend something, such as MP or BP. MP in general is very valuable, as it gives her the ability to use magic. If Magnolia runs out, and has no more Ethers, she becomes much more limited in what she can do. The same applies to using too much BP, whether it be from said abilities or Braving too much. If she gets negative BP, she essentially leaves herself wide-open unless she uses Bravely Second. Even then, Bravely Second is limited too, and it doesn’t give Magnolia any BP to solve her problem. This makes it a potential last ditch effort that could result in her being defeated if she can’t finish off her enemy then and there.


  • Has many different support abilities, job commands, items, weapons, and armor for many situations
  • Can stop time using Bravely Second
  • Can summon beings to help her in many ways
  • Can heal and get rid of status effects in a variety of ways
  • Can attack in quick succession by Braving
  • Can resist attacks and gain BP by Defaulting
  • Has many ways to buff herself or debuff her enemies
  • Can give enemies a variety of status effects

  • Can only use so many support abilities, job commands, and special move parts at once
  • Can’t change support abilities, job commands, or special move parts during battle
  • Most job command abilities require her to spend something
  • MP is used for most job command abilities, so running out would limit her options quite a bit
  • Is left vulnerable if her BP becomes negative
  • Bravely Second can only be used so many times and is usually used as a last ditch effort

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