Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Undyne (Undertale) – DEATH BATTLE! Analysis


Long ago, there were two races that ruled over the Earth: humans and monsters. They both lived peacefully, until one day when the humans mercilessly attacked the monsters. This was out of fear that at some point, a monster would absorb a human SOUL, which would make them incredibly powerful. The humans were victorious in this war due to their powerful SOULs, ending with them using seven great magicians to create a barrier that would trap the remaining monsters under Mount Ebott. The monsters would make this place their Home, and then eventually making a New Home.

Many years later, monster civilization improved, though plans to break the barrier were under way. With their king Asgore Dreemurr, they sought to kill any humans who fell down Mount Ebott, taking their SOULs so that someday, they would have enough to destroy the barrier and take revenge on humanity. Asgore’s reasons for doing so were because of the tragic death of his son, Asriel. This also lead to him creating a Royal Guard to hunt down humans, including the spear-wielding head of the guard, Undyne.

Before she became head of the Royal Guard, Undyne was a hotheaded kid who wanted to show that she was the strongest. She tried to prove this by fighting Asgore, who dodged all of her blows without even fighting back. From then on, Asgore trained her. During a practice session one day, Undyne managed to defeat him, making the king impressed at her power and skill. Training continued, leading to her becoming the head of the Royal Guard. Things would become complicated when Frisk, the seventh and final human needed to break the barrier, fell down Mount Ebott. Whether they were out for genocide or simply wanted to get home peacefully, Undyne would always be their to fight for all monsters’ hopes and dreams.

More Info

  • The heroine that NEVER gives up

  • Head of the Royal Guard

  • Alphys’s significant other

  • Thinks anime is real

  • UnderNet Username: StrongFish91

  • Has two eyes in an alternate world

  • Once burned down her house trying to make spaghetti


Energy Spear

A spear made of magical energy that Undyne wields expertly in battle. It obviously is used for jabbing attacks, but she can also throw it for a long-ranged attack or defend with it. Undyne has multiple of them, which, besides for attacking, she can cleverly use to block paths enemies might take.

Plate Armor

In combat, Undyne usually wears full plate armor to help defend against attacks. While it’s good for that, it does make going through hot environments dangerous due to it overheating.

Misc. Weapons

Besides spears, Undyne possesses other weapons that she can use, such as knives, tiny and giant swords, axes, and nunchucks.

Powers & Abilities

Energy Manipulation

Undyne has the ability to manipulate energy in various ways. She mainly does so to create spears for her to use, even multiple at once. She can telekinetically throw or jab with them, create them in the air to drop down on enemies, or create them in the ground and have them rise up to attack from below. The latter can also be delayed, and she can disperse her spears should she not need them at the moment.

Besides spears, Undyne can also fire off two types of energy bullets. The first type is a normal projectile that heads straight forward while the second type is yellow and quickly goes behind enemies as soon it’s about to hit them to trick them up. She can fire both bullet types out at the same time to trick them up. She can also send them at various angles and speeds and have them spread out into multiple shots.

Soul Manipulation

By swinging her spear at an enemy, Undyne can turn their SOUL green to force them to stay in place. While her chivalrous nature makes her give her enemy a spear so they can defend themselves from her attacks, this still forces them to fight against her while not being able to move. Because of these circumstances, this is called Shield Mode for the enemy. Undyne can also turn their SOUL back to normal so that they can move again, which is likely done to throw them off guard. This also gets rid of the spear she gives to them.

Enhanced Senses

Undyne’s senses are much greater than that of the average person. She can hear the slightest sound when someone tries sneaking around or just know when and where someone is hiding.

Fire Magic

It’s implied that Undyne may know how to use fire magic, allowing her to control flames in various ways, though it seems she mostly uses it for cooking.


Determination is a sort of power that is usually possessed by humans, but Undyne is one of the few monsters who naturally possesses this strange power. With great determination, her body and SOUL can persist much longer after death to continue fighting. Even when enduring more attacks, that will only make her more determined to defeat her enemy. However, if she gains too much, Undyne will melt and turn to dust. This is due to her monster body being unable to contain immense amounts of determination.

Though, having too much isn’t always a bad thing. If the situation becomes dire enough, she can regenerate from her wounds and transform into Undyne the Undying, a form that exerts so much power that beams shoot out of where her eyepatch used to be. With her a body and SOUL that won’t let her die, her strength and durability raise drastically, her attacks are faster than before and become trickier, and she can create rings of spears that either circle around her enemy while slowly closing in or head straight at them. However, like before, too much determination will cause her to melt before turning to dust.





Training & Experience


Undyne is the type to put others before herself, even if it means sacrificing herself for another person. While her plate armor helps her defend against attacks, it is also prone to overheating in hot environments. Also, she’s also chivalrous to a fault, giving her enemy a spear to defend themselves with when their SOUL is turned green. And while determination allows Undyne to go on even after death, if she gets too much of it, her body will melt and turn to dust. Even as Undyne the Undying, she will suffer the same fate if her new body gets too much. Finally, going into her undying form requires pretty dire circumstances to be met and for her to realize that her enemy will destroy everyone’s hopes and dreams.



  • Energy spears can be used in a variety of ways, such as attacking at various angles, being able to summon them at any time, or using telekinesis to manipulate their movements

  • Plate armor helps her defend against attacks

  • Both energy bullet types can be shot at various angles and can trick enemies up

  • Can prevent enemies from moving by turning their SOUL green

  • Can tell when someone is sneaking around and can find them when they’re hiding with relative ease

  • Determination allows her to persist after death to keep fighting

  • Enough determination allows her to transform into Undyne the Undying, a stronger and tougher form with new and more potent abilities


  • Is willing to sacrifice herself for others’ sakes

  • Her plate armor can overheat in hot environments

  • Is a bit too chivalrous to the point where she will give her enemy a spear for them to defend themselves from her attacks when their SOUL is turned green

  • Too much determination will cause her body to melt and turn to dust, even in her undying form

  • Her undying form requires pretty dire circumstances and for her to realize that her enemy will destroy everyone’s hopes and dreams in order to go into

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