Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Phosphora (Kid Icarus) – DEATH BATTLE! Analysis


After the death of the Immortal Phoenix and realizing that the wish-granting Wish Seed was entirely fake, the Goddess of Light Palutena and her captain angel warrior Pit realized it was just a ploy made by the Lord of the Underworld, Hades, to make humanity fight amongst themselves. A war had started for something that was thought to be an item capable of making oneself more powerful than the Gods.

That’s where the Goddess of Nature, Viridi, decided enough was enough, and decided to make the human race extinct. The reason being is that she viewed humanity as harmful to all natural life, and their war over a fake wish was what tipped her over the edge. Pit and Palutena decided that they should take down Viridi first before settling the score with Hades. On one of their missions though, they ended up encountering both of their armies at the same time, with both sides fighting against each other.

Leading the Underworld Army was the God of Death, Thanatos, and leading the Forces of Nature was the Lightning Flash, Phosphora. Phosphora is a bit of a free spirit who never stays in one place for long. Despite this, she decided to aid Viridi. While fighting in the sky, she ended up defeating Thanatos, but had to get ready to fight Pit next. To prepare, she recharged back at where she was currently staying: the Thunder Cloud Temple. However, still weakened, she was defeated by him. Even though she was defeated by him, when Pit and Viridi were forced to work together, Phosphora helped Pit with minor tasks throughout his journey to take down Hades once and for all.

More Info
  • Age: Unknown (physically 16 or 17)
  • Height: 5’7” | 170.2 cm
  • Title: Lightning Flash
  • A commander of the Forces of Nature
  • Likes to “repurpose” areas she goes to
  • Thinks electrified air is good for the complexion
  • Has had her scarf crafted into a bow
  • Bad at singing

Powers & Abilities


Phosphora is capable of flying through the air at speeds comparable to lightning.

Phosphora has the ability to teleport. She usually likes to go behind her opponent for a sneak attack or go far away to either charge up a strong attack or drown her enemy in projectiles.

Phosphora can talk to others using telepathy. While she’ll talk normally when face-to-face with someone, she’ll use this to talk to them from a distance, and can even talk to Gods. Whether using telepathy or not, she speaks to enemies with insults and potential flirting if she finds them cute.





Training & Experience


While powerful, Phosphora can tire out in long battles, and needs to recharge to use her electricity more efficiently. Some of her more powerful attacks require her to gather energy before using, which can make them predictable and easily avoidable. Phosphora also likes to tease others while not taking things seriously, even flirting with boys she finds cute.


  • Can create barriers of electricity to protect herself
  • Can use electricity to amplify her physical strikes
  • Has attacks that home in on enemies
  • Has attacks that hit the entire area around her
  • Can paralyze enemies with all of her attacks
  • Can use electrical appliances to assist in attacking enemies
  • Can mess with her enemy by insulting them, whether with or without telepathy

  • Can tire out during long battles
  • Needs to recharge to use her electricity more efficiently if she runs low
  • Stronger attacks are predictable and can be dodged easily due to having to charge up
  • Often doesn’t take things too seriously, resulting in her teasing her enemies
  • Will flirt with enemies that she finds cute

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