Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Weiss Schnee (RWBY) – DEATH BATTLE! Analysis


The Schnee Dust Company is a massive corporation that is one of the largest producers and exporters of Dust, an energy source that can be found in the world of Remnant. Located in the Kingdom of Atlas, it’s a really well-known company because of how important Dust is, which powers the people of Remnant’s technology and is used to combat the Grimm who viciously attack humanity. However, the Schnee Dust Company is also known for its shady business practices and mistreatment of Faunus in their labor forces, caused by the corporation’s leader Jacques Schnee.

Even though she held a grudge against the Faunus for her rough childhood, mostly due to a terrorist group called the White Fang, the company’s heiress Weiss Schnee wanted to restore her family name’s honor that her father had lost due to his actions. She sought to do so by becoming a Huntress, but not at Atlas Academy. Instead, she wanted to attend Beacon Academy in the Kingdom of Vale, and after defeating a Grimm called an Arma Gigas that her father used to test her, she was allowed to go.

Weiss would later become a part of Team RWBY at Beacon, fighting alongside Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. She would learn many things about both herself and her team, and her grudge against the Faunus would even begin to diminish when she found out that Blake was a Faunus and a former member of the White Fang. Putting full trust in her teammates, Weiss fought with them and studied hard so that she could achieve her dream, but after Beacon was attacked by Grimm, the White Fang, and other villains, she was forced by her father to separate from her team and return to Atlas.

With everything she learned during her time at Beacon, she realized just how messed up the people of Atlas were. After an outburst of anger towards them at a party to call out their ignorance, she had her title of heiress stripped away from her by her father, being given to her younger brother Whitley Schnee. It was at this moment that she gained the resolve to hone her skills even further and escape from home. With the help from her butler Klein Sieben and a pilot, she succeeded, but not without a fair share of problems. That didn’t stop her from reuniting with her team though, and together, they would face many more challenges in order to defeat the true mastermind behind everything: Salem.

More Info
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 5’03” | 160.0 cm
  • Formerly the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company
  • Member of Team RWBY
  • Also known as the Ice Queen
  • Based on Snow White
  • Likes dogs
  • Once wielded a bottle of ketchup and a swordfish as weapons
  • Best RWBY girl


Weiss’s weapon of choice in battle. Classified as a Multi Action Dust Rapier, or MADR for short, it is a three-foot long blade that she uses for quick slashes and stabs against enemies. Also, instead of a crossguard normally seen on most rapiers, it has a six slot revolver that can be loaded with Dust, which she triggers on command by using her Aura. Weiss has a variety of Dust types, giving her many different options in a fight. Each type in itself can also be manipulated in numerous ways. The following is a list of all the types of Dust Weiss has used, as well as the many ways she’s used it:

A Scroll is a holographic tablet that can be collapsed to be carried around more easily. It basically acts as a phone, and has many functions a phone normally would, such as calls, texting, and taking and sending photos. It also has other uses and tools, such as being a means of identification, transferring and receiving files, being able to be used as a gaming controller, a flashlight, and more. Most of these functions would be useless in a fight, but it does show one important thing to Weiss. A Scroll can be viewed to see how much Aura a user and their allies have left by displaying life bars that represent them, which can help her decide what type of strategy she should perform next.

Powers & Abilities

Aura is the manifestation of one’s soul, which can be used in a variety of ways. Weiss, of course, is one of the many Huntsmen and Huntresses throughout Remnant capable of using it. The two main uses of Aura are to protect the body from harm and amplify the power of its user. These two effects also apply to any equipment the user is using, as well as enhancing its capabilities.

Other uses of Aura include enhanced senses, the ability to unlock other Auras, the healing of minor wounds, triggering Dust, even when it’s far away, and protection from extreme climate conditions. Finally, Aura can be projected in a more tangible form by using one’s Semblance. Aura coats the entire body, but it is not automatic, meaning the user must remain conscious to keep it up. It also is not limitless and can run out if too much damage is taken, and different people have different amounts of Aura. Though, it can regenerate completely after a certain amount of time has passed.

A Semblance is a manifestation of one’s personal power projected thanks to their Aura. Usually, it is unique to each person, but in Weiss’s case, her Semblance is hereditary in her family. Using her Semblance, she can create glyphs that can be used in many different ways and have varying sizes. On their own, they can accelerate things in any direction, be used as platforms to stand on or jump higher and farther at many different angles, launch things into the air, fire beams that chain enemies in place, soften landings, let her or others run up walls, block attacks, make her move forward faster when multiple are in a line, push things back, or lift and throw objects. She can also stab through them with Myrtenaster while remaining on them or move around already existing glyphs.

Weiss can also imbue her glyphs with Dust to give them different effects. With ice Dust, she can fire icy homing beams that explode upon contact, a frozen energy ball, shards of ice, or chunks of ice, create a dome of ice capable of trapping enemies, coat things in ice, launch a sword of ice, release a wave of frozen energy that freezes enemies, send out a line of ice crystals from the ground, create a fist of ice that grabs enemies before rolling around as a ball with them in it, freeze things, or call up a set of ice crystals. With fire Dust, she can launch fireballs that she can direct or send out a fiery wave. With wind Dust, she can release a gust of wind to blow enemies back. With hard-light Dust, she can fire homing beams.

With lightning Dust, she can perform time dilation to speed up her actions drastically for a short period of time. This can also be granted to allies. Finally, with gravity Dust, she can launch things forward, manipulate the movement of things on top of her glyphs, repel physical attacks, push things away, lift things into the air, keep things stuck together, slow things falling down, bounce off her glyphs, or exert pulling forces, which are strong enough to let her keep her footing in even the most extreme conditions and versatile enough to let her pull herself away to dodge attacks.

Potentially the most deadly technique Weiss can perform with her Semblance is summoning. This gives her the ability to create icy copies of foes she previously defeated in battle that fight alongside her. Among the various enemies she has taken out, the ones she has summoned are a Boarbatusk, which can ram into enemies, ensnare weapons in its turks, or perform a spinning charge attack, a Queen Lancer, which can fly, shoot out sharp scales as projectiles, or launch its stinger many feet out, and an Arma Gigas, which fights using a giant sword or its fists.

Other enemies Weiss has defeated and theoretically should be capable of summoning include a Beowolf, which can swipe with its claws or lunge forward at enemies, a Creep, which can dig into the ground and rise back out to strike enemies from below or backflip to attack with its tail, an Ursa, which can swipe with its claws or slam the earth beneath it to cause a large rock to protrude from the ground, a Mutant Creep, which is a stronger Creep that also detonates itself when killed, a Mutant Beowolf, which is a stronger Beowolf that can also slam the earth beneath it to cause a line of green crystals to protrude from the ground, a Red Android, which can teleport or attack using a dual-sided glaive, a White Android, which can teleport or attack using a grenade launcher or a minigun, an Atlesian Knight-200, which fights using a rifle or built-in blades, an Atlesian Paladin-290, which can sense enemies with laser sights, fire powerful blasts, homing rockets, or gunfire, crush enemies with its feet, or deliver strong punches, a Lancer, which can fly, launch its stinger many feet out, or self-destruct, a Manticore, which can fly, tackle into things, swipe with its claws, grab and throw enemies, bite viciously, spit out fireballs, or sting with its tail, and an Apathy, which can scream to drain enemies’ wills to go on and attack with its claws.

Finally, Weiss can manipulate the things she summons in various ways. She can summon specific parts of whatever she’s calling upon, teleport them, or summon them at a different size than what they normally are, even being able to change an already existing summon’s size. And while Weiss usually commands them, a summon can also make its own decisions and actions, though she can sense where they are and knows what they’re doing. Out of all the allies she’s summoned, she has called upon an Arma Gigas the most for battle, followed by a Queen Lancer whenever she needs to fly around.





Training & Experience


Despite being incredibly skilled at using her Semblance, doing so drains her Aura. Because she uses hers so often during a fight, she is known to tire out fast and get defeated in very few hits. Taking damage also reduces her Aura, and running out of it prevents Weiss from using her Semblance, as well as other effects Aura would give. She would become frailer and weaker, wouldn’t be able to heal minor wounds, and wouldn’t be able to trigger Dust, among other useful abilities. Losing both her Semblance and Dust limits her options drastically, leaving her only with Myrtenaster to perform basic sword strikes that will, as mentioned, be weakened.

Dust is also finite, and Weiss has only six slots in Myrtenaster’s revolver, meaning she can’t put all seven types of Dust she’s used so far in it at once. Also, her glyphs may be versatile, but they can also be broken when dealing with a strong enough force. And while her summons are extremely powerful, some of the stronger ones require time to bring out. This can leave her wide-open to enemy attacks if she isn’t careful. Weiss’s summons are also not invincible and can be killed. She has also never shown to be capable of summoning more than one ally at a time, and still hasn’t mastered performing the technique. And while her summons making their own decisions can be useful, this also means that they can make mistakes. Lastly, even though she’s been through a lot and has fought many different enemies, Weiss has never won a one-on-one fight against a person before. In fact, she is the least experienced member of her team, even needing to go over her training instead of having it just be muscle memory at times.


  • Has a variety of elements to use thanks to Dust, including ice Dust, which can immobilize enemies in ice
  • Aura provides many beneficial effects, such as enhancing her senses, healing her wounds, and giving her the ability to trigger Dust and use her Semblance
  • Glyphs give her many different ways to attack, defend, and move around, especially with Dust
  • Can drastically increase her speed with time dilation
  • Can manipulate gravity by imbuing her glyphs with gravity Dust
  • Can summon allies using her glyphs to assist her in battle, which she can also manipulate in a variety of ways such as teleporting them and changing their size
  • Can fly by riding on a summoned Queen Lancer

  • Using her Semblance drains her Aura, and she uses hers a lot when fighting
  • Tires easily and can be defeated in very few hits
  • Aura isn’t limitless, and if she loses it, she gets frailer, weaker, and can’t use most of her arsenal
  • Dust is finite and only a certain amount of it can be put in Myrtenaster’s revolver
  • Glyphs can be broken when dealing with a strong enough force
  • Summoning stronger allies leaves her wide-open
  • Summons can be killed and they can make mistakes
  • Isn’t very experienced at summoning and has never been shown to be capable of summoning more than one ally at a time
  • Isn’t as experienced as her teammates, even showing that she hasn’t put everything she’s learned to muscle memory at times

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